Tight muscles are tight for a reason

When we think of tight muscles we commonly will stretch them or get a massage to release them.  We often feel better after a few days however the tightness or stiffness returns.  We have to ask the question, why are they tight?  In most cases, muscles will tighten to compensate for weakness or stability.  If you are not stable at a segment your body will compensate by tightening other areas to compensate.  For example, if you have weak core muscles that do not stabilize your low back, usually the muscles above and below will tighten up in an effort to stabilize.  That is why mid-back (Thoracic spine) and hip tightness are usually associated with low back pain.  To deal with the root of chronic problems we must look at not only what muscles are tight, but why they are tight and what weakness are driving them.

For more info about how to find out which muscles are tight and weak and how to lengthen and strengthen them come visit us.


Happy Feet During Winter

Now that the cold season is here to stay for a while, it’s a good time to be aware of your feet health. Most of us are guilty of neglecting our feet and look at them with dismay when we take off our socks. We are especially prone to letting our foot care routine diminish in the cold winter months when we just want to bundle them up in fluffy socks and big boots.

Here are a few tips to remember during this season:

  • Make sure your shoes fit properly
  • Don’t wear the same shoes every day
  • Moisturize your feet once a day
  • Keep a steady temperature and don’t expose your feet to extreme heat or cold
  • Always put on dry footwear (if you wore them in the rain or snow, make sure they are dried properly before putting them back on)

Visiting a Chiropodist as often as you do, or should do, the dentist is a good way to keep your feet in good shape. Maintenance between visits keep your feet happy. If you have any questions or would like to speak to a chiropodist for advice, please feel free to visit our clinic and book your appointment today!