Shoulder pain? Check your shoulder blades!

Having shoulder pain?  Check out your scapular stability and mobility before moving towards the rotator cuffs.   Our shoulder blades (scapula) are the base of support for the shoulder, and it can amount to as much as two thirds of all shoulder elevation.  Many times we look to strengthen the rotator cuffs way too early.  Make sure to correct the foundation before building the house.    Have your practitioner perform a scapular thoracic function test the next time you are in the clinic.
Chiropractic Markham, stouffville, thornhill, richmondhill
Physiotherapy Markham
Chiropodist Markham
Nutritionist Markham

Don’t be a prisoner to your chair

Sitting for extended periods of time can be hazardous for your health.  Simply getting out of your chair every 45 minutes and changing sitting postures every 10 minutes can go a long way.  The ideal sitting posture is to sit your hips and glutes back into the chair, with shoulder blades touching the back rest and chin tucked back.  However sitting in this posture for too long is not good as well.  With any posture you load tissues and sitting in one static posture may overload those tissues which may lead to pain or stiffness.  Change posture by changing the angulation of your chair, position of your feet, or simply get up.  This will break the loading cycle to those tissue.  You should listen to your mom when she tells you to sit up but you don’t have to sit still for too long.

How to Deal with Blisters on Your Feet

Blisters are caused by skin friction. Don’t pop them. Apply moleskin or an adhesive bandage over a blister, and leave it on until it falls off naturally in the bath or shower. Keep your feet dry and always wear socks as a cushion between your feet and shoes.  If a blister breaks on its own, wash the area, apply an antiseptic or antibiotic cream, and cover with a sterile bandage.

Self-treatment of a blister by popping them may leave the area vulnerable to infection.  The presence of an infection will impede the rate at which the blister will heal on its own.  If you are a sufferer of sweaty feet, this will further delay the healing process.  Just remember that bacteria and fungus thrive in moist environments!!

If you have particular concerns about your feet, book a consultation with Jennifer Lam, the Chiropodist at the Form and Function Clinic.

Let’s Talk About Dynamic Posture

Dr. Oh will be giving  a complimentary lecture on how understanding posture principles will help maintain a healthy body.

Spaces are limited so sign up Now Dynamic Posture lecture by dropping into our office or calling 905.604.9355

Date: Thursday, March 22, 2012

Time: 7:30pm – 8:30pm

Location: Form & Function Clinic

Dynamic Posture Lecture

Stay fit, one step at a time.

Did you know? Walking uses more than half your body’s muscles at once! Walking is an easy , fun, inexpensive and social exercise. For most people, aim to walk at least 30 minutes most days of the week to get the maximum benefits at a comfortable to brisk pace. It can be a safe and low-impact activity that among many things, can help to reduce stress, keep your heart healthy, give you more energy and get you from A to B. And the best part? All you need is a good pair of shoes. Happy walking!

If you haven’t been active or have a medical condition, speak to a health care professional to understand the amount of exercise that is appropriate for you before getting started.


March Health Talk

Snack Your Way to a Slimmer You
How Snacking can Help with Your Diet Goals

While some dieters happily accept when someone suggests a snack, others feel pangs of guilt when a nibble is merely suggested. However, there is nothing inherently wrong with a bite between meals. In fact,
snacking might be the missing ingredient that will help you reach your weight loss goals.
