December Health Talk – Saving the Amazing Holiday Superwoman

Saving the Amazing Holiday Superwoman By Odette Bulaong, BSc, ND (and fellow Superwoman)

Something’s Gotta GiveIn order for the Holiday Superwoman to complete their never-ending checklists, as the saying goes “something’s gotta give”. Unfortunately, this “something” is often a woman’s health. For the most part, health conditions that start just before, during or after the holiday season are partially caused by the increased physical and mental-emotional stress that the Superwoman takes on with the increased pressures and demands of the season.


Nutrition Tips To Survive the Holiday Season

The average weight gain over the holiday season is between 5-10 pounds! You can beat the scale jump this Holiday Season by following a few simple Nutrition Tips over the next few weeks:
Do not go to Parties or Festive Events hungry!
Make sure you have had a decent serving of protein. This will keep your blood sugar levels stable and ease the cravings to binge. Make sure you do not skip meals.
Limit Portions!
Avoid filling your plate with the high fat foods. Take small portions and savor the foods by eating slowly. Before going for seconds, give your stomach 5 minute time out to catch up. Often, after the 5 minute break, the food has made its way to your stomach and you are satisfied. The key is not feeling “full” after a meal, its feeling “satisfied”.
Limit consumption of alcohol!
We often forget to include the liquid calories we consume in our daily caloric count. Enjoy a festive cocktail and fill the gaps with sparkling water and add a slice of lemon or lime for added flavor.
Don”t Skip your Exercise!
Your workouts will benefit in coping with the stress of the holidays in addition to help burn off a few extra calories.
Serve (or bring along) a Healthy Dish  you enjoy so that you do not feel deprived.
Follow up with me in Jan to get the scale back on track! All the best to you and your Family for a Healthy Holiday Season!

Diaphragmatic Breathing for Better posture

diaphragmatic breathing,

For those of you suffering from neck pain, poor posture and stress, this might be a good fix to help with creating a better posture.

1)      Lye on your back, relax and put one hand on your chest, and your other hand on your stomach.  Take five deep breaths, and try to notice which hand rises more predominantly.  If you find the hand over your chest rising more than the stomach, it shows that you rely on your chest and poor posture muscles instead of using your diaphragm to breath.

2)      Practice your breathing protocols with 3 sets of 60 seconds of breathing with your stomach rising and pushing into your hands.  This will not only reduce your transient stress levels and increase breathing efficiency, but also reduce the over activation of bad posture muscles such as the Scalenes and Levater Scapula.

3)      Progress to 3x 5 minute protocols after a week. You will feel less stress and have better posture in no time.