Daily Balance Challenge!

Challenge yourself to balance regularly. Not only will this prevent falls, it will increase the proprioceptive awareness of your body. Meaning you will take better control of your body and improve your awareness within space.
It’s simple! I challenge you to take a few minutes out of your day and balance. Try this while you wait in line at the grocery counter, wait for the microwave, or just when watching tv! You can start off easy with simply putting your feet together, stretching your arms out and closing your eyes. Try to hold for at least 30 seconds at a time. Once you get to 30 seconds you can try to make the movement harder. Once you’ve mastered 2 leg balance you can try to balance like the image above:
1. Shift weight to one foot. Keep your arms spread out to start
2. Press your opposite foot above your knee into your thigh
3. Keep a slight bend in the knee. Balance!
4. To make it harder; Hold, twist, take arms overhead, work up onto your toes, etc
The more you challenge yourself the more you will improve. Remember balance is a learned skill so just keep at it and you’ll be amazed as to how much you improve trying everyday for a week. Go outside, enjoy the sun for a few minutes, soak in the vitamin D and work on that balance! If you want more progressions or examples feel free to email me at jleung@formfunction.com or come on into the clinic.