Avoid Losing Toenails!

Avoid Losing Toenails

As most long distance runners know, it is not uncommon to lose a toenail…or two.  It is caused by bruising that develops as a result of the repetitive impact between the toenail and the shoe and/or ground.  As the nail grows, it lifts off from the nailbed underneath and can eventually fall off.  So how can you avoid this from happening at all?

  1. Make sure you keep your toenails short.  The longer the nail, the more likely it is to hit the ground or your shoe causing the bruising.
  2. Buy running shoes a half size larger than your usual size.  This leaves a bit of extra room between the foot and the shoe, lessening the chance of impact.
  3. Check the shape of your shoes.  Avoid shoes with a tapered or narrow toe-box, and look for shoes that have a square shaped toe-box.

Yu Xia (Michelle) Hu

Yu Xia (Michelle) Hu


  • Registered Massage Therapist

Michelle is a registered massage therapist with over 6 years of experience in providing manual therapy.  She is very passionate and dedicated to her profession. She is able to provide excellent client rapport and care, and if there are any complaints, she makes it her top priority to improve satisfaction. She is always looking ahead and continues to learn and update herself on the latest techniques. She is ambitious and has one set goal to be able to provide comfort and relaxation for her clients.

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