Sun Safety for the Summer

Sun protection is important as summer is just around the corner, but there is more to consider then just shopping for a new sunscreen. Here are a few tips to keep you covered safely this summer:

  1. Reduce your exposure to the sun, especially during the peak sun hours 10am-4pm.
  2. Use clothes to shield you from the sun. Light cotton long sleeves, linen pants, maxi dresses/skirts, hats and UV protective sunglasses are a must.
  3. Apply a safe and effective sunscreen 15-20 minutes before sun exposure. Make sure to re-apply after water exposure and sweating, which breaks down the effective sun protection compounds.
  4. There’s a lot of effective sunscreen options now, including more natural ones which have a lower chance of causing unwanted health concerns. Click on this link to the Environmental Working Group’s Free Sunscreen Guide so you can make the best choice for you and your family.

Enjoy a fun and healthy summer,

Odette Bulaong, ND

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