February is Heart Month

The leading cause of death in Canada is heart disease. It’s important to recognize that despite factors that can increase your risk of heart disease that are beyond your control, like genetics and age, there are many other lifestyle factors that you do have the power to change. These factors include:

• Poor nutrition
• Poorly managed stress
• Physical inactivity
• Smoking/chewing tobacco
• Alcohol
• Overweight
• Hypertension (high blood pressure)
• High cholesterol

Take a look at this list and identify which risk factors apply to you. Determine which risk factor you are willing to change first and take steps to remove that risk factor from your list.

An important part of addressing risk factors is to ensure you have accurate, safe and effective information, so seeking the guidance of a trained healthcare professional is recommended – especially if you already have an existing health condition.

If you are uncertain if you have any of the modifiable risk factors, a naturopathic doctor can assess your lifestyle factors, and create an individualized plan integrating heart healthy nutrition and supplements, stress management techniques including acupuncture and lifestyle counselling to keep you motivated.

Happy Heart Month!
Odette Bulaong, ND

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