Ways to Identify Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are viral infections that affect the skin on the bottom surface of the feet.  Warts tend to grow inwards towards the skin as a result of our body weight which is directly applying pressure to these areas.  In addition, warts are particularly difficult to treat due to the thick layers of skin on our feet.  So how do we know if it’s a wart?

1) Warts have black dots in the middle of them.

2) Shaving down the wart will usually lead to pinpoint bleeding.

3) Warts tend to have broken skin lines.

4) Warts tend to hurt more if you squeeze them.

Avoid walking barefoot or in public/communal areas e.g. public shower, swimming pools.

If you suspect that you have plantar warts, please book an appointment with Jennifer Lam, the Chiropodist @ Form and Function Clinic for a foot assessment!

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