Kettlebell – What is it? Why is it so effective?

The kettlebell is basically a cannon ball with a handle.  It is an old Russian tool used to build power and strength.
The kettlebell is an effective tool because it promotes whole body movements which can help burn more calories.  The swing is a great kettlebell exercise that exemplifies this.  In a properly performed swing you use your: hips, glutes, and legs to create motion, core to maintain a straight spine & trunk, and your arms to help support the kettlebell during the swing.
The kettlebell can be used for rehabilitation, conditioning, strength and power development.  I personally use it in my own practice and with my patients.  As with any exercise, safety and form are paramount.  Make sure you are supervised by a trained professional.  For more info about how to get started with a kettlebell contact me ( or drop by the clinic.
Dr. Paul Oh

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