Beat the Flu by supporting your Immune System with a Clean Diet

Flu season has officially arrived! You can help to prevent, or lessen the severity of the flu this season by following these simple nutrition tips:
Eat a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Variety is the different colors indicate different immune boosting compounds. A typical immune boosting diet would include the following: five servings of fruits and vegetables, seeds (unsalted) cold pressed oils, garlic, lean protein and whole grains. Eating small meals every few hours minimizes excessive intake and will boost your energy levels. Many herbs and spices such as turmeric, origanum, coriander, basil, mint,rosemary and cayenne pepper have antioxidant properties.
Exercise will also boost your immune system by reducing the level of stress hormones in the bloodstream.
Get your 8 hours of shut eye at night. The immune system is most active when the body is at rest.
Drink plenty of water!
Maintain a healthy body weight
Support your immune system with a good quality multi vitamin
and….book a nutrition session with me to ensure you are on the right track!
In good health,

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