Beat The Winter Blues

Are the Winter Blues Getting you Down?
Perhaps it’s time to look at the foods and drinks you consume to see if they are “trashing” your mood.
Eating a diet that is high in fibre and low in saturated fats will help to boost your energy levels and elevate your mood.

Here is a list of foods that should be consumed on a daily basis:
Whole grains, such as whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice and oats. 3 servings per day.
Fruits, especially with the skin for a high source of fibre. Apples and pears and good choices. 2-3 servings per day.
Leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and asparagus. Aim for 3 cups per day.
Healthy protein based snacks such as yogurt, nuts and seeds are a much better option than cookies and sweets. The sugar will create a drop in blood sugar levels and the mood will come crashing down. Protein based snacks in between meals helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and balance mood swings.

Healthy eating takes a bit of effort and planning. Try to eat every 3 hours and take in at least 6 glasses of water per day!
Get plenty of rest and exercise as well!
Happy Eating!

Why Is Vitamin C So Important?

There are several health reasons why Vitamin C is important to your health. Did you know that…

  • It is a well known component of your immune system.  It is also necessary for collagen, the main structural protein found in the connective tissue.  As well, it quickens the body’s ability to repair wounds – a healthy dose of vitamin C will protect your body from infection and help maintain healthy bones and teeth.
  • It can fight against bacteria, viruses, infection, and serves as an effective antihistamine that will lessen the unpleasant effects of the common cold, including inflammation, stuffy nose and aches.
  • It is known as a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects our bodies from free radicals that cause oxidative stress (cellular rust). This can lead to severe medical conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Oxidative stress is also associated with different types of cancer like lung, mouth, throat, colon, stomach and esophagus.
  • It can lessen the probability of hypertension by lowering blood pressure that can cause serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease.
  • It can help with lowering blood pressure.  Vitamin C ensures proper dilation of blood vessels to prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure, and angina (an inadequate supply of blood to the heart that causes severe chest pains).
  • It can lower blood lead toxicity which studies have shown can lead to behavioral and developmental problems, such as learning disabilities and lower IQ in children. Adults may suffer from kidney damage and high blood pressure.
  • A higher intake of vitamin C has been proven to fight cataracts by increasing the amount of blood flow to the eye. Cataracts are a condition in which the lens becomes increasingly opaque, causing blurry vision.

Vitamin C can be taken by supplement tablets as well as food intake.  Foods rich in Vitamin C are parsley, broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, lemon juice, papaya, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

If you feel that vitamin C could potentially be beneficial to your health and optimize your daily functions, then don’t hesitate to ask our health care professionals for advice. Remember to ask a professional any questions or concerns before taking any kind of vitamin, mineral or supplement in case of interactions with other medications you may be taking.

Live Healthy!

Vitamin C can be purchased at our Form & Function Clinic.


January Health Talk

Do You Have Suboccipital Headaches?

For some, headaches can be very annoying and in some cases, debilitating. There are many categories and types of headaches; some of  which include migraines, cluster, tension type, hormonal, sinus andrebound headaches. Out of all types of headaches, there is one that is common among our postural challenged comrades. This commonly misdiagnosed, yet treatable headache is called “suboccipital headaches”.



Tight muscles are tight for a reason

When we think of tight muscles we commonly will stretch them or get a massage to release them.  We often feel better after a few days however the tightness or stiffness returns.  We have to ask the question, why are they tight?  In most cases, muscles will tighten to compensate for weakness or stability.  If you are not stable at a segment your body will compensate by tightening other areas to compensate.  For example, if you have weak core muscles that do not stabilize your low back, usually the muscles above and below will tighten up in an effort to stabilize.  That is why mid-back (Thoracic spine) and hip tightness are usually associated with low back pain.  To deal with the root of chronic problems we must look at not only what muscles are tight, but why they are tight and what weakness are driving them.

For more info about how to find out which muscles are tight and weak and how to lengthen and strengthen them come visit us.


Happy Feet During Winter

Now that the cold season is here to stay for a while, it’s a good time to be aware of your feet health. Most of us are guilty of neglecting our feet and look at them with dismay when we take off our socks. We are especially prone to letting our foot care routine diminish in the cold winter months when we just want to bundle them up in fluffy socks and big boots.

Here are a few tips to remember during this season:

  • Make sure your shoes fit properly
  • Don’t wear the same shoes every day
  • Moisturize your feet once a day
  • Keep a steady temperature and don’t expose your feet to extreme heat or cold
  • Always put on dry footwear (if you wore them in the rain or snow, make sure they are dried properly before putting them back on)

Visiting a Chiropodist as often as you do, or should do, the dentist is a good way to keep your feet in good shape. Maintenance between visits keep your feet happy. If you have any questions or would like to speak to a chiropodist for advice, please feel free to visit our clinic and book your appointment today!

What DHA Can Do For You

Until recently not many knew a lot about the importance of DHA supplements.

DHA or (Docosahexaenoic Acid) is an essential compound that is naturally found throughout the body, but is more abundant in brain, eyes and heart. DHA is vital for proper functioning of your brain and eye. Its absence is known to cause deteriorated and interrupted brain function.

DHA deficiency affects normal transmission of signals across membranes in the brain. Its deficiency may speed up aging and cause various health problems, such as behavioral disorders, depression, hyperactivity, postpartum depression, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, cancer, and diabetes.

An optimal intake of DHA supplements can help in preventing these problems and inhibit several heart and neurodegenerative diseases

DHA is vital for formation of the structural components of the brain. It accounts for 50% weight of the neuronal membranes in the brain. It is also required for structural and functional components of central nervous system and brain

In our bodies, DHA:

Promotes brain growth and development.

Aids mental processing and psychomotor development in infants.

Prevents attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Enhances academic performance and learning capability in school children.

Reduces cellular and vascular inflammation in brain.

Increases production of ‘feel good’ chemical ‘serotonin’.

Increases levels of ‘memory boosting’ chemicals in brain.

Facilitates anti-aging processes by neutralizing oxygen free radicals in the body.

Reduces cardiovascular diseases by controlling blood pressure and coagulation.

If you feel that DHA could potentially be beneficial to your health and optimize your daily functions, then don’t hesitate to ask our health care professionals for advice. Remember to ask a professional any questions or concerns before taking any kind of Vitamins, Minerals or Supplements in case of interactions with other medications you may be taking.

Live Healthy!