Prevention of Athlete’s Foot

Athletes Foot is a fungal infection of the skin also known as tinea pedis.  When the feet, or other areas of the body, stay warm and moist, the fungus thrives and infect the upper layer of the skin.  Up to 70% of the population will have Athlete’s foot at some time during their lives.  The fungus that causes Athlete’s foot can be found on floors and in socks and clothing. It can be spread from person to person by contact with these objects and is highly contagious.  Follow the prevention advice below to avoid infection.

  • Without proper growing conditions (a warm, moist environment), the fungus will not infect the skin. Avoid keeping your feet in warm, dark, airless places for long periods of time (such as trainers).
  • Avoid footwear and hosiery made of synthetic materials. Leather shoes and cotton socks both allow your feet to breathe. Also, change socks daily and try and alternate footwear daily, particularly trainers.
  • If you wear trainers for sport or at the gym, make sure they get a good airing after use and are not left to fester in your sports bag!
  • When in communal areas (such as changing rooms or around a swimming pool) avoid walking barefoot. Wear flip flops and make sure you dry them after use!
  • Don’t share towels with others and use a separate towel for your feet to avoid spreading the fungus around your body.
  • Keep feet clean! Wash them daily with a mild soap and take care to dry them properly paying particular attention to the spaces between the toes.
  • Apply cream to your feet after bathing and drying. Spread liberally over the feet with particular attention to the heels but avoid applying cream between the toes – this creates a moist environment for the fungus.


Graston Technique for soft tissue mobilization.

Graston Technique is an innovative form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. It allows clinicians to effectively break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. The technique uses stainless steel instruments to detect and treat areas presenting with soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation.

The Graston Technique has been clinically proven to achieve quicker and better outcomes in treating both acute and chronic conditions, including:

Cervical sprain/strain (neck pain)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (wrist pain)
Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Rotator Cuff Tendinosis (shoulder pain)
Achilles Tendinosis (ankle pain)
Scar Tissue
Shin Splints
Lumbar sprain/strain (back pain)
Plantar Fasciitis (foot pain)
Medial Epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
Patellofemoral Disorders (knee pain)
Trigger Finger

Graston Technique will be available soon as treatment at Form & Function Clinic. For more information please contact our Registered Physiotherapist Christopher Chmiel.

Better Prevention Required With Cell Phone Use


by Jennie Cheung, ND


When we mention environmental toxins, talk hovers mostly around detrimental chemicals such as metals, herbicides, fungicides, and more.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a 2010 Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals asssessing the burden of chemicals on the health of the US population.  Among the list of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and parabens which are found among household cleaners, home renovation products, and building materials to name just a few, the virtually daily exposure to cell phone frequencies, categorized as electromagnetic or EMFs, received much critical attention.

In today’s modern reliance on the media, the internet, and other electronic super-gadgets, it is important to become aware of exposure to all types of environmental toxins.  In 2008, environmental researchers reported on the probable link between cell phone use with leukemia and neurological conditions.  In 2010, a public health precaution was issued in the US for using cell phones.  This trend has been carried out in many European countries such as the UK, France, Russia and India from as early as 11 years ago.

One method to fight back against this “dirty electricity” is via detoxification.   Among the many organs of detox in the body, one that is rarely overlooked is the liver.  Because symptoms of toxicity such as headache, abdominal pain, and constipation, are often vague, it is essential to have an assessment and thorough history performed via your ND or integrative healer.  ND’s understand that the liver holds a paramount role in detoxifying the body of harmful substances.  Furthermore, the liver supports all red blood cell synthesis, converts ammonia to urea for excretion, and breaks down hormones.  From a nutritional standpoint, the liver is involved in amino acid synthesis of proteins, formation of bile, metabolism of carbs, proteins, and lipids, and the storage of glucose, vitamins A, D and B12, and minerals iron and copper.

The affect of toxicity on our health from EMFs has become an increasingly prevalent issue in today’s fast-paced society.  NDs can offer tools of support in improving one’s toxin load such as increasing water and exercise, establishing improved dietary measures, or adding nutritional supplements.  While our public health departments and government bodies continue compiling data on acceptable safety standards with EMFs, isn’t it prudent to find out what more can be done to improve our quality of life?






Core stability is more than just the 6 pack

According to the two main bodies of knowledge when it comes to muscle activation and low back pain, core is just not doing a few situps.  Core stability entails proper functioning of your rectus abdominals, your obliques, transverse abdominals,  lower back muscles and the fascia around it, as well as a few intrinsic muscles including your multifidus.  A good core routine will focus on dynamically activation of those muscles to protect the passive structures in the low back. For more examples, book a free consult here .

May’s Health Talk

Emotional Eating and Ways to Cope by Mary Trull Holistic Nutritionist.
Eating is something we do to nourish our bodies with vital nutrients. Sometimes we turn to food in response to certain emotions. Is it out of boredom, loneliness, or an unhappy relationship?


Tip of the Week: How to Manage Painful Bunions

A bunion is generally considered as an enlargement of the joint (a lump of bone) at the base and side of the big toe – (specifically, the first metatarsophalangeal joint). Bunions form when the toe moves out of place. As the big toe bends towards the others this bone becomes larger and the bunion can become painful and can lead  to arthritis.  Here are ways to provide relief to bunions:

1) Felt pads can be used to offload pressure at the bunion

2)Wear shoes that are wider and deeper to accommodate the bunion as high heels will tend to exacerbate the condition

3)Remove painful corns and callus that have developed as a result of the bunion

4)Shoe stretching can be done specifically at the bunion area to reduce friction within the shoe

5)If the bunion is in its earlier stages, exercises can help to maintain the mobility of the joint

6)Custom Made Orthotics will help to reduce the progression of the bunion

7)If all of the above conservative measures have been exhausted, then bunion surgery may be necessary

Reducing Injury Risk Before It Happens

Prehabilitation! This concept of exercise training is becoming well-known within the health profession, particularly with therapists involved in sports preparation. Prehabilitation involves strength and conditioning exercises for specific isolated muscles that may help to reduce injury risks, before an injury actually occurs. This approach to physical therapy is the classic “ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”. Prehabilitation is sport-specific and very personalized to functional abilities and goals. Prehabilitation targets common injuries and strength imbalances that have been prevalent in the particular sport.

For more information on Prehabilitation or to book an assessment please contact Christopher Chmiel at Form & Function Clinic!

How Acupuncture Boosts Immunity by Jennie Cheung, Naturopathic Medicine

The effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on strengthening the body’s defense systems is the topic for this week’s health tip.  Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating and preventing a multitude of conditions from the common cold, asthma, hepatitis, to food poisoning.

Many are unaware that acupuncture also directly assists in the treatment of both acute and chronic inflammatory conditions such as laryngitis, appendicitis, gastritis, conjunctivitis, otitis media, mastitis, and much more.  Studies have shown that biological markers for immune function such as leucocytes, neutrophils, phagocytes, antibodies, immunoglobulins and other serum proteins were strengthened during treatments with acupuncture and moxibustion.  Hence it is no wonder that this clinical choice of treatment can be extremely significant in achieving favourable results.

In summary, the three main effects of acupuncture and moxibustion-analgesic, regulatory, and immunological-are interdependent and interrelated.  The body’s ability to regulate function and to provide resistance encompasses the main treatment goal of acupuncture therapy.  When I am able to incorporate this mode of therapy in my practice I draw upon its many clinically proven affects in the body from nerve stimulation, blood circulation, cellular immunity or endocrine restoration.  Acupuncture  remains one of my top health treatments in fighting off disease.  For any further information on whether you may benefit from acupuncture, please contact us at 905-604-9355 or

Form & Function treating at UFC 129

Come and join the Form & Function team at the the UFC 129 Grapplers Quest Tournament in the Direct Energy Centre this weekend (APR 29/30). Come check out BJ Penn, and Chuck Liddell at the expo This OGA sanctioned tournament will be one of the largest Grappling tournaments in the world, and Form & FUnction will be the exclusion medical professionals taking care of these athletes.
To book our medical staff for your event visit