Breathe Correctly

Breath is life. Everyone breathes but few breathe correctly. By learning the art of breathing one can live a healthy life, full of mirth, as the blood gets oxygenated. Right breathing is breathing deeply and rhythmically.
Deep and rhythmic breathing brings about harmony between the body and the mind . It alleviates unfounded fears and relieves one of deep-seated stress. It improves concentration and gives mental power.
Sit in a comfortable posture on ground, in the chair or even in bed. Inhale and exhale deeply through the nose focusing on dropping your diaphragm and protruding your belly. Make sure to reduce the expansion of your chest . Repeat it 50-60 times or more. Make sure that your mind is attuned to each breath that you take in or out. No nasal sound should be made during the process.
Deep breathing should preferably be done at an open place or park. Morning time is the best time for practicing the technique.
Physiotherapist Smriti Kaushal