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Why Markham Physiotherapy clinic Is the Best Option For You

Most people think physiotherapy is only a part of healthcare that helps in healing the injured and recover athletes to improve performance. In reality, there is so much more physiotherapy offers to people of all age group.
Nowadays you will find numerous clinics in Markham and across the world, but only a licensed physiotherapist or a physiotherapy clinic is the right one to consider.

Now the question is what should you expect from physiotherapy and how can it help in improving your everyday life? Let’s explore few ways that physiotherapy can improve the quality of your lifestyle to make you capable to enjoy your usual activities of daily living.


One of the basic things that physiotherapy can do is to help with healing but in a natural way.
A physiotherapist uses a hands-on treatment approach to recover illness, injury, or any other physical issue. The physiotherapist usually does not prescribe any medication and mainly focus on your body and mind to promote healing and strength.

Most people prefer visiting physiotherapists as it can help to lessen pain, improve body mechanics, contribution injury rehabilitation, help to improve blood circulation and promote overall wellness.


Life is unpredictable so are Injuries. Indeed. Being physically active has its own benefits, but an active lifestyle involves a greater risk of injury as well. And this is where physiotherapy plays a key role. As it helps to prevent injuries from occurring; however, it does not mean that all injuries can be prevented.

Physiotherapy centre in Markham uses the latest technology-driven devices to diagnose problems with muscle strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination. Experts believe that the training regime helps in analyzing a better picture when it comes to the risk of an injury. If an individual seeks the advice of physiotherapy he can prevent or decrease the risk of injuries with compromising the lifestyle and everyday activities.


If you choose physiotherapy, you can avoid surgery. In many cases, surgery is required and this is when post physiotherapy can help to attain strength and health again. If you are dealing with constant pain in your body, it may be because of some variable like lower back pain. Many adults prefer the surgical route to get rid of the issue. However, in Markham physiotherapist encourage people to go for physiotherapy instead of surgery.

When it comes to physiotherapy, it helps in diagnosing the issues that possible is the reason behind lower back pain. This is where physiotherapist recommends and guide you through a plan of care which includes a series of exercises, stretches, and postural activities. Most time these hands-on techniques and advice provide immediate pain relief. However, in a few situations, to attain positive results the course of a few sessions is necessary.


People choose physiotherapist not only for a healing purpose but for many other reasons as well. In many cases, most athletes choose physiotherapy to improve performance and strength. After all, physiotherapists are experts on muscles and body mechanics, and consider as very useful source when it comes to fitness.

Physiotherapy uses technologically advanced machines, gadgets, and tools to find the best way to utilize muscles in the body. Some clinics may use biofeedback devices and have their own gym facilities. Consider physiotherapy as an effective method for improving your athletic ability and for improving your active lifestyle.


Arthritis is one of the most common conditions that affect your physical health including your muscles, joints, and connective tissue. When it comes to the treatment, managing the symptoms is crucial, but generally in order to manage the pain occurs due to arthritis possible with physical activity.

Physiotherapy is actually very helpful for arthritis patients and even many patients required to follow a plan of care directed by a physiotherapist. It guides the patient on how to safely and accurately exercise with arthritis. Physiotherapy usually consider a holistic approach to deal with pain and does not use any pain-killer which have side effects.

Final Thoughts

So these are the reasons why Markham Physiotherapy clinic is the best option for you. However, before choosing physiotherapy to get a free evaluation from the licensed physiotherapists.

Move Your Body!


Our body is meant to move, not sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day. When your body doesn’t move, the muscles are kept at one static length, and slowly looses their elastic property.  Years of this can contribute to many muscle aches and pains, and also increasing the risk of injuries as the muscles are more susceptable to bring sprained. One great example is the lower back sprain when moving furniture.

While sitting is unavoidable, you can still do something about it. Try to get up and move your body, from neck to shoulder to back to legs and arms so your muscles maintain their elasticity.


Foam Rolling is an amazing self help tool that helps alleviate stiffness, muscle tightness, and pain. Some people make the excuse about not having enough time for anything additional in their daily routines, but this will take 5-10 minutes. You can target your problem areas only or do a whole body routine.
Foam Rolling for beginners: Get a foam roller that is firm and smooth – NO knobby parts on it. It will hurt if you have not foam roller before, but the knobby ones REALLY hurt if you haven’t done it before. You’ll utilize your arms/hands and legs to customize how much pressure you’re putting on each body part you’re foam rolling. You can graduate to using less assistance which means more pressure on the foam roll as the foam rolling gets easier and less painful.
Now, why am I suggesting you put yourself through pain when you’re in pain?! The body gets stressed from injury or just every day activities, the muscles tighten, the joints stiffen, you’re in pain. Foam rolling works on the muscles and fascia to loosen the muscles, get knots out, which leads to the joints having less stress on them, and in turn less pain.
One key point to foam rolling your back: do NOT position your lower back on the foam roller without tilting your body to the side. The pressure should be coming from the side, not directly on your spine!! On the rest of your spine that attaches to ribs, you can have the foam roller directly on the spine because the ribs support that pressure.

Stretch your hamstrings!


Don’t forget to stretch your hamstrings! Oftentimes low back pain is caused by increased tension in the hamstrings. This in turn shifts the pelvis into ‘posterior pelvic tilt’, placing the low back into a vulnerable position. To do the hamstring stretch, find a surface at roughly knee level, and with your leg straight, place your heel on the surface and hold that position for 45 seconds at a time. To feel a greater stretch, stand upright, maintaining all the curves in your spine.



With New Year’s just passing, many of us have resolutions to better ourselves. If you have a resolution to exercise more, you may want to follow some of these tips:

  • Start slow: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take exercising at a slow pace and ease yourself into any new routines. Once you are comfortable with that, then push yourself harder.
  • Be realistic: Change takes time. Don’t get down on yourself when you don’t see immediate responses to exercise. Think more on the scale of weeks with meaningful change starting in 6 weeks.
  • Positive reinforcement: Focus on how you feel rather than pure numbers (like a scale). If you feel more energetic, stronger, faster, better then feed off that feeling. If you feel more tired, sluggish, painful then you should consult a professional to take a look at your symptoms.
  • Consult a pro: Talk to a professional for help on exercise selection. There’s different levels of exercises and you may be hopping too many levels without proper guidance leading to increase risk of injury.

The professionals at Form and Function can always help your meet any health and exercise goals. Come in and let us help you get to where you want to go.

Manni Wong, Physiotherapist