November Health Talk about the Benefits of Kettlebells

Bruce Lee used a kettlebell, should you? Bruce Lee trained and realized the benefits of this tool more than 50 years ago.  So why is this tool so effective?

Bruce Lee was not the only person to use this “cannon ball with a handle”.  In fact the Russians developed training instrument in the 1700’s.  The Soviet Special Forces have been using the KB as an integral part of their training program since the early 1900’s.  The KB is unique and different from the barbell because its centre of mass is outside of your grip.  Have you ever carried a pot or pan with a lot of water or food inside.  It definitely requires some core and shoulder strength.

Bruce Lee Kettle Bell

October Health Talk about Musculoskeletal Complaints

There is a growing concern amongst health care professionals and those in the field of ergonomics pertaining to the potential health consequences associated with sedentary occupations that require working hours on end in front of a computer screen.  The evolution of our employment sector has led to a significant increase in the number of occupations that involve this line of work, which gives rise to a new cluster of overuse injuries.

The New Age Of Musculoskeletal Complaints

August Health Talk about the Hazards of Flip Flops

Summer Flip Flops: Comfy but Damaging to the Feet

So why do we all like to wear flip flops? They are lightweight, easy to put on and can come in trendy colours and allow for breath ability to the feet. They have become a summer footwear favorite with hidden hazards. From a foot specialist’s perspective, they create numerous problems for the feet if worn on a frequent basis. Studies have shown that flip flops can lead to sore feet, ankles, and legs and can also affect the knees and lower back.

August_Health Talk

August Health Talk about the Hazards of Flip Flops

Summer Flip Flops: Comfy but Damaging to the Feet

So why do we all like to wear flip flops? They are lightweight, easy to put on and can come in trendy colours and allow for breath ability to the feet. They have become a summer footwear favorite with hidden hazards. From a foot specialist’s perspective, they create numerous problems for the feet if worn on a frequent basis. Studies have shown that flip flops can lead to sore feet, ankles, and legs and can also affect the knees and lower back.

August_Health Talk

July Health Talk about Golf Biomechanics

Change Your Mechanics, Not Just Your Swing

Many of us make the mistake of trying to correct our golf swing by changing our swing technique, when many times the problem lies in our biomechanics. As we scan through our body mechanics, it is evident that our body works in an alternating stability and mobility fashion. If you have one of the following issues out of synch, it could lead to lack of range of motion or increased segmental instability that will significantly throw off your shot or reduce your potential yardage…  [Read More about Golf Biomechanics]

Developing posture and locomotion the right way

Ever wonder why babies develop their posture and motor milestones in the same way at about the same time? Pediatricians use these milestones to determine if a baby is developing at an appropriate pace or if they are developmentally immature. A baby spends time at different postural stages (i.e. on their stomach, chest on all fours, etc.) until he/she is ready to progress. Nobody needs to cue or tell the baby what to do. They will sense, feel and develop the motor control necessary to move to the next step. This neurological program for us to develop posture and locomotion is a part of all of us…

Read Full June Health Talk Article on Posture and Locomotion

Markham Physiotherapist Talks About Exercise Physiology

Energy for exercise may come from 3 energy systems in the body. The aerobic energy system uses oxygen in a chemical reaction with different fuels to produce energy, heat, carbon dioxide and water. The other 2 systems do not require oxygen and are considered anaerobic. In reality, energy to perform exercise comes from a combination of anaerobic and aerobic sources.

Form and Function Monthly Health Talk

March Health Talk

Snack Your Way to a Slimmer You
How Snacking can Help with Your Diet Goals

While some dieters happily accept when someone suggests a snack, others feel pangs of guilt when a nibble is merely suggested. However, there is nothing inherently wrong with a bite between meals. In fact,
snacking might be the missing ingredient that will help you reach your weight loss goals.


Februaury Health Talk

Custom-made Orthotics Vs. Over-the-Counter Insoles

Everyone’s feet are different and so is their pain. Why settle for generic insoles? Jennifer Lam, DPodM, our foot special discusses the difference between custom-made orthotics and over-the-counter insoles in this month’s article.


January Health Talk

Do You Have Suboccipital Headaches?

For some, headaches can be very annoying and in some cases, debilitating. There are many categories and types of headaches; some of  which include migraines, cluster, tension type, hormonal, sinus andrebound headaches. Out of all types of headaches, there is one that is common among our postural challenged comrades. This commonly misdiagnosed, yet treatable headache is called “suboccipital headaches”.
