Safety Tips When Doing a Pedicure

A pedicure is always a great way to pamper and groom your feet.  Be aware as you can walk out of the salon with an infection due to improperly sterilized tools and contaminated footbaths.

The American Academy of Dermatology is warning consumers about the health risks associated with pedicures.  These health risks include athlete’s foot, nail fungus, bacterial infections such as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) which is a potentially serious antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection.

Before you decide to indulge in a pedicure, take note of the following tips:

1) book your appointment in the morning as the instruments and footbaths are typically the cleanest at the beginning of the day.

2) pedicure disinfectants usually take at least 10 minutes to work so ask the person booking your appointments the gap they have in between appointments.  If the footbath is being used on one person after the other, you may be vulnerable to infections.

3) don’t shave your legs right before your pedicure as slight nicks and cuts may leave your skin at risk for bacterial and fungal infections.

4) don’t let them cut your cuticles as they are a protective barrier that prevents bacteria and fungus from entering into the body.

5) bring your own nail polish as the brushes are rarely sterilized.  You may be putting yourself at risk for getting fungal toenails.

Finally, salons may not be able to properly smooth down calluses (the dead skin on your feet) and corns.  They may create open wounds/sores that are prone to infection.  Especially if you are diabetic, it may be best to be treated by a Chiropodist/Foot Specialist.  For more information, book an appointment with Jennifer Lam, the Chiropodist at Form and Function Clinic.

Autumn is here….is your immune system ready or not?

Regardless of whether or not you decide to get this year’s flu vaccine, here are 3 tips that can reduce your risk of catching not only the flu, but also the common cold and other viral or bacterial infections because they strengthen your immune system and your body as a whole:

  • Avoid Refined Sugar: Evidence shows that refined sugar depresses the immune system.  This is vital for this time of year, with treats from Halloween and the holiday season quickly approaching.  LIMIT your refined sugar intake to prevent infection and AVOID refined sugar altogether when sick to promote a speedy recovery.  Refined sugars include not only the obvious candies and junk food, but also any white, refined and enriched bread products, pastas, cookies, crackers, cakes and pastries.
  • Deep Breathing:  Studies prove that stress (via stress hormones) reduces the immune system’s ability to fight infection effectively.  Start to reduce the stress in your life by practicing basic abdominal breathing for 5-10 minutes of relaxation daily. This can reduce your risk of infection and strengthen your lungs.
  • Rest!!  Research has repeatedly shown that a lack of sleep leads to depressed immunity, which explains why you are more susceptible to viral infections when you do not get a good night’s sleep.  Sleep is particularly important during any viral infection, since energy must be saved for the immune system to overcome the virus.

If you suffer from chronic stress, anxiety, insomnia or constant sugar cravings and would like an individualized treatment plan to support, boost and balance your immune system naturally, Dr. Odette would be happy to work with you this fall season.

Running Tip: Arm swing

The arm swing in running is a very important component from a biomechanical stand point.

A proper arm swing:

1) Counterbalances the rotational forces created by the opposite leg and trunk motion in order to move forward.

2) Creates vertical and froward propulsion, therefore creating better efficiency in the lower limb.

3) Helps with pacing during the run, and is a precursor for speeding and slowing down your pace.


Things to watch out for: 

-try to create similar forward and back swings during your run to prevent injuries

-do not create too much rotational swing, keep the arms going back and forth

-relax your hands and shoulder when swinging

At Form and Function, we provide a detailed video analysis of the running gait, as well as training to create a better gait cycle.  Check it out here 

Hormonal Balance For Women of All Ages

Many women come to see me after they’ve struggled for years with their female health concerns and after the first visit they often say: “I wish I had come to see you sooner!” That’s because naturopathic medicine uses natural therapies that support a woman’s health at every stage of life: from helping women reduce their premenstrual cramps, bloating and heavy flow, to improving their chances of getting pregnant and delivering healthy babies, all the way to reducing their menopausal hot flashes and trouble sleeping.

To get you started, a simple yet valuable tip is to ensure you are eating optimal amounts of fibre daily. Most people think of fibre for reducing heart disease, cancer and diabetes risk, which are all important benefits. However, few women realize that fibre can also bind the hormone estrogen which is often found in excess amounts in women with many of the health concerns I mentioned above. Since fibre is not digested by the body, once it binds estrogen, it can take it out of the body when you have a bowel movement, thus reducing your estrogen levels and helping restore hormonal balance. Make sure you are eating various sources of fibre and not just whole grains. Enjoy dark leafy green vegetables like kale, and legumes like chick peas. By eating fibre daily, you can help your body detoxify from estrogen, an important first step to helping your body regain its hormonal balance.

Already getting enough fibre and ready for your next step? I can show you how to use nutrition, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy and stress management techniques, to restore not only hormonal balance but more importantly, life balance.


Golf Swing: Hip Rotation

A study at Standford University  has  clarify some unresolved questions about golf-swing biomechanics.  One question that always comes from novice golfers is ” what starts the downswing?”.  Practitioner and Pro’s have had different answers. Some would say the hands, or others would say the shoulders or the lower body. This study compared top ranked players to novice players in their swing biomechanics.  It was evident from the study that  all of the higher ranked player produced significantly higher club head speed, which was attributed to less than 10 percent deviation from the optimal swing mechanics.  All of these player initiated their downswing and prime force production through proper hip initiation and rotation.

Headaches be gone!

Headaches can be caused by structures innervated by nerves in the cervical spine. Some symptoms include neck pain and stiffness that spreads to the head, unilateral pain that may spread to the other side, pain triggered by posture or mechanical factors, can be mild to moderate in intensity and may not respond to medications.

Symptoms can often improve with after proper assessment and treatment design by a registered physiotherapist.

Take a FIT break

Our bodies are built to move. Howver, we live in a time where many people have sedentary jobs that involve a lot of sitting. Prolonged postures can lead to many aches and pains, most commonly in the neck, shoulders and back. Try to take a few fit breaks throughout the day! They don’t need to be long, 5 minutes tops. Stand up and stretch, move your arms and legs around, take a little walk to the water cooler. Do something to break up that prolonged sitting posture. Your body will thank you later.

Are you a runner with IT band tightness & pain?

Check the stability in the hip.  Recent data has shown relations between Gluteus Medius and hip/lower limb stability.  Have your practitioner check for improper lateral kinetic chain movement patterns, and hip proprioception.  A combination of balance, endurance and eccentric loading, and Graston or ART treatments will get it back up to par in no time.
Chiropractic Markham
Physiotherapy Markham
Chiropodist Markham
Nutritionist Markham


Are you a runner with IT band tightness & pain?

Check the stability in the hip.  Recent data has shown relations between Gluteus Medius and hip/lower limb stability.  Have your practitioner check for improper lateral kinetic chain movement patterns, and hip proprioception.  A combination of balance, endurance and eccentric loading, and Graston or ART treatments will get it back up to par in no time.
Chiropractic Markham
Physiotherapy Markham
Chiropodist Markham
Nutritionist Markham


Where is the source of my Knee Pain?

Many times the source of your knee pain is not the painful knee.  The knee is often a reflection of the mobility and stability you have in your ankle and hip.  Weakness, tightness and the inability to effectively control the muscles in your ankle and hip can lead to an overload of the structures surrounding the knee.  In addition, inability to stabilize your pelvis and core can also add more stress.  There are many parts of the body that must work together so that one area doesn’t overload.

At Form & Function we take a comprehensive approach to not only examine the painful site, but to look for other contributing factors that will lead to the overload of the structure in question.  If you would like more info about your injury please contact us.  Mention that you read the health tip on our blog and we will provide you with a free 15 min consult with our Chiropractor, Dr. Paul Oh.

(905) 604-9355  |