Introduction to Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Acupuncture and moxibustion treatments aim at activating circulation of the body’s “qi” thereby restoring normal function of the organs and tissues.  By treating acupoints, disease and disorders including heart disease, asthma or gastritis may be treated.

The acupuncture effect can be classified into three main categories:  analgesic, regulatory, and immunological.  Research has shown that “acupuncture anesthesia” is achievable via many mechanisms, from raising the pain threshold, to blocking the conductivity of pain fibres in peripheral nerves, to inhibiting pain sensitive cells of the midbrain.

In the next upcoming entry of this column, we will discuss the other two main effects of acupuncture on the body: regulatory and immunological.

Spring Time Sprain Prevention

March is fast approaching, which brings out the early spring time athletes who have been hibernating over the long winter. Spring time is very much associated with increase in foot and ankle sprains.

Anyone who injures their ankle should seek medical advice, however in the meantime should use P.R.I.C.E. (Protect, Rest, Ice, and Compress the ankle while Elevating the leg above the heart). This will limit swelling and pain till the ankle is properly evaluated.

To prevent ankle sprains:

1) Perform warm-up stretches and sport specific exercise before playing the sport.

2)Wear the correct footwear for the sport. ie: running shoes are not appropriate for lateral movement sports like basketball or tennis.

3)Wear an ankle brace if recovering from injury or have a history of ankle sprains.

Beat the Flu this Winter!

You need to feed your immune system the right ingredients to keep it running in peak condition. By including the following 10 ingredients you can increase your change of beating the flu this winter!
Vitamin C rich foods:
Red Bell Peppers
Garlic to fight infections
Ginger prevention of colds
Spinach for anitoxidants
Almonds for Vit E
Tumeric for anti-inflammatory benefits
Yogurt enriched with probiotics to boost good bacteria
Green Tea for flavoniods (antioxidant).

Include a variety of these foods in your diet daily for the prevention of colds and the nasty flu bug! Prevention is as
close as your grocery store!

Feb 2/10 Tip Of The Week

Stretching before workouts puts a muscle to sleep, and in some instances lead to injuries. Always stretch after a workout.  Always perform a dynamic warm up before before working out.  It will reduce chances of injuries.

Dr. Jim Feng

For more Questions, please email Dr. Feng at