Foam Rolling: Take care of your Tissues!
Foam rolling is a great tool for injury prevention and keeping our body’s tissues healthy.Think of foam rolling like flossing your teeth. Why do we floss?
We floss to keep our gum tissues healthy and help clean out debris and junk from our teeth (joints).
This is what foam rolling does for our tissues (muscles and fascia) and can have a positive effect on our joints.
Our society has led us to often sedentary lifestyles with many of our hours sitting – at a desk or in our cars. As a result our tissues have become “tough”, “tight” and “restricted”.
Take care of your tissues! Try foam rolling for at least 15 mins a day – even if its while your watching TV.
If you need help or advice regarding different foam rolling techniques, come by Form & Function clinic. Our Athletic Therapist, Physiotherapist and Chiropractors would love to show you how. You can check out our previous video posts on foam rolling technique.