Keep Calm & Stress Less

Keep Calm & Stress Less!

Every day we are faced with stressful situations including financial, work, and relationships. We will never be completely free of stress but we can improve our body’s physical and mental-emotional ability to handle stress effectively.

This is important when you consider that many health conditions you may be experiencing are known to be worsened by stress:

  • Cardiovascular Health: high blood pressure, heart attack
  • Immune System:  rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, allergies, eczema, recurrent colds & flu
  • Pain:  migraines, neck tension, lower back pain
  • Digestive Health:  ulcers, constipation, heartburn
  • Mental Health:  insomnia, anxiety, depression
  • Reproductive Health:  female menstrual issues and infertility and male infertility

Fortunately, naturopathic medicine can provide natural, safe and effective therapies to help you feel more in control of the stressors including:

  • Nutritional changes and supplements
  • Acupuncture
  • Lifestyle counseling
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Herbal medicine

If you suffer from any of the above health concerns or have been feeling the stress of the holiday season, and would like to improve the way you handle stress, contact the clinic and ask about the  Keep Calm and Stress Less Program so you can start feeling more balanced again.

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy 2014,

Keep-CalmOdette Bulaong, ND


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