I have been seeing many ruptured ACL patients in the past few years, and I have seen great success with our rehab programs. But the question still remains… to cut or not to cut? My past experience aligns with the current research of the benefits vs risks of ACL reconstruction, the evidence is clear; just do it! I have seen too many patients that refuse the surgery and have multiple instances of “giving out” or aberrant movement inside the knee joint. This will lead to cartilage tears, meniscus tears, synovitis, other ligamentous damage, and eventually osteoarthritis later on in life. This is especially true for active population; don’t mention all the psychosomatic sequela associated with a torn ACL effecting your sports performance.
The nexts question is what kind of graft to pick? Hamstring braid vs Bone-tendon-bone… we will leave that for another day =)
For those looking to prevent ACL injuries, let our markham physiotherapist and Chiropractors introduce you to our ACL Hardening Program