Let’s talk. Period.

Menstrual health is not an easily discussed topic and yet it is vital for all women – especially those trying to conceive. To put things simply, the first step in trying to get pregnant is ensuring that your menstrual cycles are regular and healthy. This will help determine when you are ovulating which is necessary for having a chance to conceive that month.

With all of this in mind, the health tip of the day is simple: start tracking your menstrual cycle today. Regardless of whether or not you are trying to get pregnant, your menstrual health is an important part of your overall health. You can start simply by marking the first day you get your next period on your calendar or on the many free apps that exist, and continue for every future period. It is helpful to track the length of your period, the length of your cycles, heaviness and your premenstrual symptoms.

As a naturopathic doctor, I can use this information to determine if your menstrual health is reflecting good overall health or not. I can also use natural therapies like nutrition and acupuncture to help regulate your cycle and promote your fertility chances, if that is your goal.

Remember, it’s your body, your health. Period.

Happy Naturopathic Medicine Week,

Odette Bulaong, BSc (Hons), ND

Check out what a Naturopath in Markham Does here 

December Health Talk – Saving the Amazing Holiday Superwoman

Saving the Amazing Holiday Superwoman By Odette Bulaong, BSc, ND (and fellow Superwoman)

Something’s Gotta GiveIn order for the Holiday Superwoman to complete their never-ending checklists, as the saying goes “something’s gotta give”. Unfortunately, this “something” is often a woman’s health. For the most part, health conditions that start just before, during or after the holiday season are partially caused by the increased physical and mental-emotional stress that the Superwoman takes on with the increased pressures and demands of the season.


How Acupuncture Boosts Immunity by Jennie Cheung, Naturopathic Medicine

The effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on strengthening the body’s defense systems is the topic for this week’s health tip.  Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating and preventing a multitude of conditions from the common cold, asthma, hepatitis, to food poisoning.

Many are unaware that acupuncture also directly assists in the treatment of both acute and chronic inflammatory conditions such as laryngitis, appendicitis, gastritis, conjunctivitis, otitis media, mastitis, and much more.  Studies have shown that biological markers for immune function such as leucocytes, neutrophils, phagocytes, antibodies, immunoglobulins and other serum proteins were strengthened during treatments with acupuncture and moxibustion.  Hence it is no wonder that this clinical choice of treatment can be extremely significant in achieving favourable results.

In summary, the three main effects of acupuncture and moxibustion-analgesic, regulatory, and immunological-are interdependent and interrelated.  The body’s ability to regulate function and to provide resistance encompasses the main treatment goal of acupuncture therapy.  When I am able to incorporate this mode of therapy in my practice I draw upon its many clinically proven affects in the body from nerve stimulation, blood circulation, cellular immunity or endocrine restoration.  Acupuncture  remains one of my top health treatments in fighting off disease.  For any further information on whether you may benefit from acupuncture, please contact us at 905-604-9355 or jcheung@formfunctionclinic.com.

Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture by Jennie Cheung, Naturopath

In this week’s tip of the week, we carry on with our discussion regarding the acupuncture effect.  Acupuncture has the ability to regulate many of the body’s physiological mechanisms in nearly all systems from the cardiovasular and respiratory, to the digestive and nervous.

In heart disease and blood pressure studies, the positive effects of acupuncture are extensive.  ECG results post-acupuncture treatments typically show improved coronary circulation, greater left ventricular function, and normalisation of premature heart beats along with other arrhythmic patterns.

In addition, acupuncture has a dilating effect on blood vessels, primarily through vagus nerve stimulation, thereby a definite treatment consideration for high blood pressure and anginal pain. 

One of the main goals in naturopathic medicine is to restore what has been impaired and bring the body back to operate as a normally functioning and thriving entity – it is about living well, not just being symptom-free.  Acupunture is an excellent therapeutic and natural treatment tool that helps the body to achieve that re-balance.