Weight Loss Solutions that work!

Snack Your Way to a Slimmer You
How Snacking can Help with Your Diet Goals
While some dieters happily accept when someone suggests a snack, others feel pangs of guilt when a nibble is merely suggested. However, there is nothing inherently wrong with a bite between meals. In fact,
snacking might be the missing ingredient that will help you reach your weight loss goals.
Spring is the season to “declutter”. Why not step it up and declutter your diet.
Make a transition from the dense winter foods that comfort you from the cold temperatures. Shift your diet to include more fresh fruits, vegeatables, salads, smoothies and vegetarian proteins(nuts, seeds, lentils, quinoa and tofu).
Choose foods that are in season and locally grown. Keep a food log and review it on a regular basis. Aim to have 50-60% of your diet fresh and seasonal. A sping clean up will not only boost your erergy levels, it will clear out your digestive system.