You’re not as old as you think.

markham chiropractor

You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing, so continue to move and have fun. If you are active and pushing through limitations or pain, you will likely run into trouble.  Gone are the days of ‘no pain, no gain’. Take the time to listen to your body, stretch the muscles that are tight, and strengthen those that cry because they are weak. Take a look at our foam rolling video here for a great place to start.

Stretch for Stress

Combat tension from stress, anxiety or too much sitting.  You can simply stand up, reach for the sky, or extend your arms out as far as you can and hold that position for 15-30s to help yourself loosen up and let go of some stress.  Take some deep breathes through your belly and simply enjoy and feel your stress fade away.  Try to do this once EVERY 30 minutes.  When you are stressed, the body’s fight or flight response is triggered causing the body to tense up in preparation.  This tension can lead to chronic pain and this is where stretching interrupts our body’s defensive response. So stretch away from stress 30s at a time and remember that change happens over time. Book in an assessment today if you’d like a regime catered to you!

Stretch for Stress

Combat tension from stress, anxiety or too much sitting.  You can simply stand up, reach for the sky, or extend your arms out as far as you can and hold that position for 15-30s to help yourself loosen up and let go of some stress.  Take some deep breathes through your belly and simply enjoy and feel your stress fade away.  Try to do this once EVERY 30 minutes.  When you are stressed, the body’s fight or flight response is triggered causing the body to tense up in preparation.  This tension can lead to chronic pain and this is where stretching interrupts our body’s defensive response. So stretch away from stress 30s at a time and remember that change happens over time. Book in an assessment today if you’d like a regime catered to you!

Health Tip: Battle of the Bulge!

Have you ever wondered why those veins around your legs are progressively bulging and protruding from the skin?  These varicose veins and they can be unsightly and bothersome.  Normally, these veins have valves to prevent the backflow of blood to the heart.  In varicose veins, the valves become weakened which causes blood to pool within the veins.  Hence, you will see varicose veins as being gnarled and enlarged.

They tend to occur most often in the legs and feet due to increased pressure to the lower portion of your body.  Some of the risk factors include age, pregnancy, family history, obesity and prolonged standing and sitting for long periods of time.  Varicose veins as well as spider veins can sometimes be just a cosmetic issue; however, for others, it can present to be painful, aching and uncomfortable.  They are also a sign of circulatory problems and can lead to more serious problems in the future.

While there is no way to completely prevent varicose veins, compression stockings can help to improve blood circulation to the feet and prevent blood from pooling at the legs.  They can also help to prevent blood clots and help to relieve symptoms of heaviness, swelling, aching and pain.  Compression stockings come in a variety of different styles, strengths and sizes.

For further information, please book a consultation to see Jennifer Lam, Chiropodist at the Form and Function clinic.

Health Tip: Battle of the Bulge!

Have you ever wondered why those veins around your legs are progressively bulging and protruding from the skin?  These varicose veins and they can be unsightly and bothersome.  Normally, these veins have valves to prevent the backflow of blood to the heart.  In varicose veins, the valves become weakened which causes blood to pool within the veins.  Hence, you will see varicose veins as being gnarled and enlarged.

They tend to occur most often in the legs and feet due to increased pressure to the lower portion of your body.  Some of the risk factors include age, pregnancy, family history, obesity and prolonged standing and sitting for long periods of time.  Varicose veins as well as spider veins can sometimes be just a cosmetic issue; however, for others, it can present to be painful, aching and uncomfortable.  They are also a sign of circulatory problems and can lead to more serious problems in the future.

While there is no way to completely prevent varicose veins, compression stockings can help to improve blood circulation to the feet and prevent blood from pooling at the legs.  They can also help to prevent blood clots and help to relieve symptoms of heaviness, swelling, aching and pain.  Compression stockings come in a variety of different styles, strengths and sizes.

For further information, please book a consultation to see Jennifer Lam, Chiropodist at the Form and Function clinic.

Tips for High Heel Wearers

High heels make the girls look taller, slimmer as well as look good with any outfit they wear.  However, the newest trend of heels are creating more compression and pain to the sides and the balls of the feet.   As you increase the number of hours you wear heels, you are increasing the risk of getting hammer toes and bunions to your feet.  The bunions don’t just occur to the inside of the feet but also to the outside of the feet.  Although bunions are mostly hereditary, they are usually exacerbated by tight-fitting shoes.

If you are spending most of your time standing on your feet and wearing high heels that day, it would be better to have a pair of flat shoes or walking shoes so that you can change into when you are off your feet.  Even wearing flat shoes the next day would help to relieve pressure to the toes.

Of course, wedge heels are always better than stilletto heels as they provide more stability to the feet and are able to distribute pressure evenly at the front of the foot.

For further information, regarding the health of your feet, please book an appointment with the Chiropodist, Jennifer Lam at the Form and Function Clinic.


Safety Tips When Doing a Pedicure

A pedicure is always a great way to pamper and groom your feet.  Be aware as you can walk out of the salon with an infection due to improperly sterilized tools and contaminated footbaths.

The American Academy of Dermatology is warning consumers about the health risks associated with pedicures.  These health risks include athlete’s foot, nail fungus, bacterial infections such as MRSA (Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) which is a potentially serious antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection.

Before you decide to indulge in a pedicure, take note of the following tips:

1) book your appointment in the morning as the instruments and footbaths are typically the cleanest at the beginning of the day.

2) pedicure disinfectants usually take at least 10 minutes to work so ask the person booking your appointments the gap they have in between appointments.  If the footbath is being used on one person after the other, you may be vulnerable to infections.

3) don’t shave your legs right before your pedicure as slight nicks and cuts may leave your skin at risk for bacterial and fungal infections.

4) don’t let them cut your cuticles as they are a protective barrier that prevents bacteria and fungus from entering into the body.

5) bring your own nail polish as the brushes are rarely sterilized.  You may be putting yourself at risk for getting fungal toenails.

Finally, salons may not be able to properly smooth down calluses (the dead skin on your feet) and corns.  They may create open wounds/sores that are prone to infection.  Especially if you are diabetic, it may be best to be treated by a Chiropodist/Foot Specialist.  For more information, book an appointment with Jennifer Lam, the Chiropodist at Form and Function Clinic.

Golf tip: Drive farther by using your Stretch Shortening Cycle

Next time you are at the range, try speeding up the back swing, creating a good stretch through the shoulder, and quickly transferring your backswing into your downswing. This trick to use your stretch shortening cycle of transferring forces is just one technique to create better biomechanics, resulting in greater distance in your shot. Reduce the flaws in your biomechanics so you can focus more on your game. Sign up for a video biomechanics analysis to find out how to improve your game, either from increasing certain ranges, or stabilizing others.


Ice or heat?

Use ice for all new sprains, strains and bruises.  Ice will help control the inflammation, swelling and pain.  This will aid in a faster and less painful recovery.  Apply ice to the affected area for 15-20 minute cycles on and off.  Do this as soon and as often as you can – especially in the first 48 hours.  Also, ice is great for chronic/overuse sports injuries (i.e. shin splints, tennis elbow).  Always ice after activity and not before.

Use heat for chronic injuries before your activity.  Heat will help promote blood flow to the area, loosen tissues and relax injured areas.  Heat the affected area using a heat pack or hot towel for no more than 20 minutes before activity.

Key words:
Chiropractic Markham
Physiotherapy Markham
Nutritionist Markham
Chiropodist Markham
Nutritionist Markham