Pelvic Health – Let’s talk about it


It’s more common than you think…

1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experiences incontinence at some point in their life. Only 1 in 12 cases are known to health care workers because people are often embarrassed to talk about it, or they are afraid health care providers will simply dismiss their symptoms.

7 out of 10 women experience low back pain during pregnancy and 2 out of 10 women experience pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy. Many people are affected by pelvic health dysfunction…so let’s talk about it!

It affects people in different ways…

Our pelvis contains many muscles and other tissues that help to support our organs and joints. These muscles must be able to contract and relax to allow for proper bowel and bladder function, and in women – proper sexual function. We don’t usually pay attention to this system until something isn’t working properly or when symptoms start to appear. Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction may include constipation, incontinence, pelvic girdle pain, feelings of ‘heaviness’, painful intercourse or persistent low back pain.

Incontinence is a common symptom in people with pelvic floor dysfunction. Some people experience an extreme urge to urinate but do not experience symptoms of leakage. Some people experience leakage when they cough, sneeze, laugh or jump. Many women also develop low back pain or pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy or after giving birth.

It is often misunderstood…

There are several myths out there about pelvic health and incontinence.

“It is normal to experience urinary leakage after childbirth.”


Urinary leakage is NOT a normal consequence of childbirth.

“It is normal to experience urinary leakage as you age”


Urinary leakage is NOT a normal consequence of aging

“Pelvic floor dysfunction only affects women.”


Pelvic floor dysfunction affects BOTH women and men of all ages.

It impacts your quality of life…

Some people may stop doing certain activities or hobbies because of their symptoms. Many people feel embarrassed so they don’t seek any help. Those dealing with pelvic floor dysfunction may decrease their social activity, physical activity and may become isolated and experience decreased self-esteem. Many people may not seek treatment because they feel that there is nothing that will help.

There IS something you can do about it…


Depending on the type of incontinence you are experiencing, kegels may actually make your symptoms worse! Some types of incontinence may be caused by an overactive pelvic floor.

Doing kegel exercises may cause more overactivity in the pelvic floor and will not help to relieve symptoms.

Your physiotherapist can do a thorough assessment and will give you the correct exercises to either relax or strengthen your pelvic floor. They will also work with you to make sure you are doing the exercises properly and using the correct muscles.



Research has shown that pelvic health physiotherapy is effective in treating symptoms of incontinence and should be included in the first line of treatment for urge and stress incontinence (Dumoulin & Hay-Smith, 2010). There is also research to support the use of pelvic floor physiotherapy in treating painful bladder conditions (American Urological Association, 2010).

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada also recommends that pelvic floor physiotherapy and core stability training be incorporated to prevent and treat pelvic and back pain during and after pregnancy (Britnell et al., 2005). In France, pelvic floor physiotherapists are involved in pre- and post-partum care for all women. This is not yet the standard of care in Canada.

A proper assessment by a pelvic health physiotherapist will help to identify the root cause of your pelvic dysfunction symptoms. Pelvic health physiotherapists use a combination of internal and external assessment and treatment techniques. These include massage, muscle release techniques, acupuncture, pain education and therapeutic exercise to help patients restore proper pelvic floor function.

Your physiotherapist will work with you to ensure that you are comfortable will all the assessment and treatment techniques being performed.

A pelvic health physiotherapist can also help with other conditions:

Prenatal/post-natal back or pelvic pain

Pelvic organ prolapse

Painful intercourse

Chronic pelvic pain

Dyspareunia (difficult of painful sexual intercourse)




Interstitial cystitis

Chronic prostatitis

Pelvic health physiotherapy is covered under extended health benefit plans.

Have more questions? Not sure if physiotherapy can help?

Contact Kelly Leong, Physiotherapy Resident at

I have Cold Feet – How Do I Keep Them Warm In The Winter?


With the cold weather upon us, your feet have a tendency to get really cold, really quickly.  Here are some tips to keeping them feel as warm as possible:


  1. Avoid cotton socks.  When your feet naturally sweat, cotton socks absorb and trap that moisture.  When it is cold outside, the moisture in the socks will start to freeze, thereby making your feet cold.  Your best choice is socks made of wool.
  2. Wear good boots.  When there is snow, slush, and ice outdoors, you want to be prepared.  Choose boots that are waterproof, come up high enough to your ankle or above to protect against the elements, and made with an insulating liner.
  3. Keep your toes moving.  If you are going to be outdoors for an extended period of time, wiggle your toes up, down, and around to keep blood flow moving to your toes.  This will keep your toes feeling warmer for longer.

Victoria Sheard, Chiropodist

Contact us today for more healthy feet tips!



With New Year’s just passing, many of us have resolutions to better ourselves. If you have a resolution to exercise more, you may want to follow some of these tips:

  • Start slow: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Take exercising at a slow pace and ease yourself into any new routines. Once you are comfortable with that, then push yourself harder.
  • Be realistic: Change takes time. Don’t get down on yourself when you don’t see immediate responses to exercise. Think more on the scale of weeks with meaningful change starting in 6 weeks.
  • Positive reinforcement: Focus on how you feel rather than pure numbers (like a scale). If you feel more energetic, stronger, faster, better then feed off that feeling. If you feel more tired, sluggish, painful then you should consult a professional to take a look at your symptoms.
  • Consult a pro: Talk to a professional for help on exercise selection. There’s different levels of exercises and you may be hopping too many levels without proper guidance leading to increase risk of injury.

The professionals at Form and Function can always help your meet any health and exercise goals. Come in and let us help you get to where you want to go.

Manni Wong, Physiotherapist

Be Proactive, Not Reactive


I have mentioned this (Prehabilitation) before but it bears importance so I’ll mention it again. Most people are reactive in their approach to health. When something hurts, they go seek medical attention. But why not be proactive in your health? Instead of finding out an injury may set you back a couple months, why not try to prevent it from happening in the first place? In terms of physiotherapy, proactive treatment sessions or prehabilitation can help you do just that.

Come into Form and Function proactively and get your movement patterns, joint mobility, muscle strength and flexibility among other things assessed and a preventative program set in place. We can manage the program with just a few follow ups and it might just save you from the hassle and stress of an injury later on.

Manni Wong, Physiotherapist

Choosing the Right Shoes


If your toes cramp up from time to time, you may be irritating a nerve underneath your foot. You are basically causing the bones in your toes to be squeezed up against the thin nerve that runs in between them.

Make sure to wear shoes that are roomier at the toe box (the region in the shoe that houses your toes).  Wearing shoes with a narrow toe box should be avoided and/or minimized.

Jennifer Lam, Chiropodist

Massage Eases DOMS, Boosts Recovery in Athletes and Bodybuilders


Sport massage after intensive exercise will improve power and perceptual recovery in athletes.  A 30-minute massage significantly improves the recovery rate for bodybuilders.  A massage treatment can induce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).  A post-exercise massage session can improve the exercise performance and recovery rate for those who engage in intensive exercise.

John Li, Massage Therapist