Better Prevention Required With Cell Phone Use


by Jennie Cheung, ND


When we mention environmental toxins, talk hovers mostly around detrimental chemicals such as metals, herbicides, fungicides, and more.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a 2010 Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals asssessing the burden of chemicals on the health of the US population.  Among the list of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and parabens which are found among household cleaners, home renovation products, and building materials to name just a few, the virtually daily exposure to cell phone frequencies, categorized as electromagnetic or EMFs, received much critical attention.

In today’s modern reliance on the media, the internet, and other electronic super-gadgets, it is important to become aware of exposure to all types of environmental toxins.  In 2008, environmental researchers reported on the probable link between cell phone use with leukemia and neurological conditions.  In 2010, a public health precaution was issued in the US for using cell phones.  This trend has been carried out in many European countries such as the UK, France, Russia and India from as early as 11 years ago.

One method to fight back against this “dirty electricity” is via detoxification.   Among the many organs of detox in the body, one that is rarely overlooked is the liver.  Because symptoms of toxicity such as headache, abdominal pain, and constipation, are often vague, it is essential to have an assessment and thorough history performed via your ND or integrative healer.  ND’s understand that the liver holds a paramount role in detoxifying the body of harmful substances.  Furthermore, the liver supports all red blood cell synthesis, converts ammonia to urea for excretion, and breaks down hormones.  From a nutritional standpoint, the liver is involved in amino acid synthesis of proteins, formation of bile, metabolism of carbs, proteins, and lipids, and the storage of glucose, vitamins A, D and B12, and minerals iron and copper.

The affect of toxicity on our health from EMFs has become an increasingly prevalent issue in today’s fast-paced society.  NDs can offer tools of support in improving one’s toxin load such as increasing water and exercise, establishing improved dietary measures, or adding nutritional supplements.  While our public health departments and government bodies continue compiling data on acceptable safety standards with EMFs, isn’t it prudent to find out what more can be done to improve our quality of life?