
As a large number the Canadian population ages, osteoarthritis will become an increasingly common condition. Here is some information regarding osteoarthritis.

What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that involves the wear and tear of cartilage between joint surfaces leading to exposed bone on bone rubbing. It generally affects people in their 60s or 70s but can also occur in those 50s or younger. It most commonly affects weightbearing joints like knees, hips, neck and back.

Screen Shot 2013-09-19 at 10.13.28 AMSymptoms may include:
– Pain, especially prior to weather changes
– Stiffness in joints, especially in the morning
– Swelling
– Redness
– Feeling of heat around joints
– Loss of flexibility and mobility
– Tenderness
– Grating sensation between joint

Predisposing factors may include:
– Overweight
– Poor joint mechanics/alignment
– Prior joint injuries
– High impact or repetitive occupations
– Female sex
– Other conditions (like diabetes)
– Lack of regular exercise

Treatment of mild to moderate osteoarthritis involves tailored individualized exercise program that:
– Increase strength to protect the joint and minimize unnecessary rubbing between joints
– Increase or maintain flexibility to help keep joint fully lubricated
– Increase endurance to help increase ability to do functional activities
– Splinting or bracing to offset pressure on joint surfaces
Treatment of severe osteoarthritis often involves surgical intervention if conservative management is exhausted.

If you are experiencing osteoarthritic pain, come in to Form and Function to get assessed by one of our healthcare professionals. We can determine the state of your osteoarthritis and prescribe an individualized exercise program to help you minimize your pain and increase your function. Even if you are not currently experience pain, you may want to get assessed for proper biomechanics to help prevent the onset of osteoarthritis. Being proactive is much better than being retroactive!

Manni Wong
Registered Physiotherapist

Tips for Exercising in Summer Weather

Summer is here which means there will be plenty of heat and humidity outside. Here are some tips to stay on top of the summer weather during your outdoor activities/exercise:

Stay hydrated. Drink water regularly and do so before you get thirsty. Drinking water when you are thirsty is often too late if you want to have peak performance outdoors in the heat. Also, sweating is essential for cooling off but it also causes loss of fluids. Replenishing these fluids help you stay cool.

Stay cool. Wear lighter colours and breathable clothing. Lighter colours reflect the sun and cause less heat absorption. Breathable clothing allow for more evaporation and thus cooling. Also, take breaks to find shade from the sun. Too much direct sunlight can cause your body to overheat which can lead to severe problems.

Stay aware. Be conscious of how you are feeling. If you feel fatigued, dizzy, nauseated, weak and/or experience muscle cramps, TAKE a BREAK from the sun. If you don’t, you may risk developing heat stroke which can be life-threatening. If these symptoms are prolonged or severe, you may need to go to the ER.

Plan ahead. Be sure to look at the weather forecast and prepare for it. Know that increase humidity means less possible evaporation so you do not cool off as fast through sweating. Know the peak heat times are usually in the afternoon so plan vigorous exercises for morning or evening times.

Stay fit. Having a base level of fitness is important if you plan to do activities outdoors in the heat. Your body tends to adapt quicker to the environment if you are more fit. If you plan on starting or returning to exercise, especially outdoors in the heat, come in to Form & Function for a fitness screen and an individualized exercise plan. Doing exercises correctly and with the right parameters is important in getting the most out of your exercise plan.

Take care and enjoy the summer weather!

Manni Wong
Registered Physiotherapist

Headaches be gone!

Headaches can be caused by structures innervated by nerves in the cervical spine. Some symptoms include neck pain and stiffness that spreads to the head, unilateral pain that may spread to the other side, pain triggered by posture or mechanical factors, can be mild to moderate in intensity and may not respond to medications.

Symptoms can often improve with after proper assessment and treatment design by a registered physiotherapist.