Tight muscles are tight for a reason

When we think of tight muscles we commonly will stretch them or get a massage to release them.  We often feel better after a few days however the tightness or stiffness returns.  We have to ask the question, why are they tight?  In most cases, muscles will tighten to compensate for weakness or stability.  If you are not stable at a segment your body will compensate by tightening other areas to compensate.  For example, if you have weak core muscles that do not stabilize your low back, usually the muscles above and below will tighten up in an effort to stabilize.  That is why mid-back (Thoracic spine) and hip tightness are usually associated with low back pain.  To deal with the root of chronic problems we must look at not only what muscles are tight, but why they are tight and what weakness are driving them.

For more info about how to find out which muscles are tight and weak and how to lengthen and strengthen them come visit us.


Epsom salt bath to get the most out of your treatments.

Taking Epsom salts( magnesium sulfate) is absorbed by the body during a Epsom Salt bath.  This process promotes muscle relaxation, relieves stiffness, and reduces cramped and achy muscle.  Epsom salt baths also release toxins and metabolic waste products from the body.  It is always recommended that our patients take an Epsom salt bath after their treatments.

Just the right formula…

1: Add two cups  of Epsom salts to a hot bath (38-35 degrees Celcius or to tolerance).  Soak in the hot bath for 20 minutes.

2: Drink cool water to keep well hydrated.

3: When finished the bath, cool your body down with a lukewarm shower.

4: Rest for 15- 20 minutes after the bath for maximal relaxation and therapeutic impact.


Epsom salt bath to get the most out of your treatments.

Taking Epsom salts( magnesium sulfate) is absorbed by the body during a Epsom Salt bath.  This process promotes muscle relaxation, relieves stiffness, and reduces cramped and achy muscle.  Epsom salt baths also release toxins and metabolic waste products from the body.  It is always recommended that our patients take an Epsom salt bath after their treatments.

Just the right formula…

1: Add two cups  of Epsom salts to a hot bath (38-35 degrees Celcius or to tolerance).  Soak in the hot bath for 20 minutes.

2: Drink cool water to keep well hydrated.

3: When finished the bath, cool your body down with a lukewarm shower.

4: Rest for 15- 20 minutes after the bath for maximal relaxation and therapeutic impact.


Tips for Sufferers of Sweaty Feet

When wearing closed toed footwear, our feet have a tendency to sweat.  Others tend to sweat excessively, on a daily basis.  This can lead to embarassment and discomfort.  Whether you sweat a lot or a little, here are some tips to help keep your tootsies drier and more comfortable when wearing closed toed footwear.

1) Avoid footwear made of plastic, rubber and fake leather.

2) Wear cotton socks and avoid synthetic fiber socks like wool to wick away moisture.

3) Dust your feet with baby powder or absorbent powder.

4) Spray an over-the-counter antiperspirant on the bottom of your feet.

5) If your feet are smelly, red and itchy…you may have athlete’s foot.

If you have concerns about athlete’s foot or your feet in general, book an appointment to see Jennifer Lam, the Foot Specialist/Chiropodist for a consultation.

Does Your Posture Cause Stress or Pain While Sitting?

Sitting, we all do it! Some for long periods, some short periods, some of us statically sit because we are concentrating on writing or driving, others may dynamically sit because we are multi-tasking, we all at some point conversationally sit while enjoying the company of others and we all love to leisurely sit and relax. The question is, are we most efficiently prepared to sit so sitting doesn’t become a position that takes away from the health of our system? When you look at our whole system, sitting which is a positional tweak takes parts away, in fact the major power source (hips) are inhibited to a large degree. How can we bring more of the body back into sitting?
On an average most Canadians spend half of their waking hours sitting. Sitting for extended periods of time can cause pain and decrease our function! Let us share with you how to assess a seated position assisting you to help become more efficient when they are sitting. Remember, even if someone is not complaining of pain while sitting, prolonged sitting can be the cause of pain during different movements as the body summates stress.
Come into Form & Function and let us help assist you in a full body functional movement screening to allow you to utilize your systems to the best of their capacity while limiting the discomfort of prolonged static positions.
Book an assessment with Christopher Chmiel – our physiotherapist who can help rehabilitate your postural concerns.

Ways to Identify Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are viral infections that affect the skin on the bottom surface of the feet.  Warts tend to grow inwards towards the skin as a result of our body weight which is directly applying pressure to these areas.  In addition, warts are particularly difficult to treat due to the thick layers of skin on our feet.  So how do we know if it’s a wart?

1) Warts have black dots in the middle of them.

2) Shaving down the wart will usually lead to pinpoint bleeding.

3) Warts tend to have broken skin lines.

4) Warts tend to hurt more if you squeeze them.

Avoid walking barefoot or in public/communal areas e.g. public shower, swimming pools.

If you suspect that you have plantar warts, please book an appointment with Jennifer Lam, the Chiropodist @ Form and Function Clinic for a foot assessment!

Back Pain Returns With School Around The Corner!

Heavy backpacks causing back pain? What makes children more vulnerable is that their growth plates are made almost entirely of cartilage, making them more susceptible to small, repeated traumas. Also, their muscle growth is often not as fast as their bone growth, which can lead to muscle tenderness. Put simply, these injuries are a result of overuse of the muscles and tissues that are utilized by children to support the weight of their backpacks.

Other facts to know are that neither backpack weight, nor current back pain are good predictors of future back pain. What’s important to know is that muscular fatigue is the best predictor of future back pain. So if you are becoming fatigued while carrying the backpack, you should likely rest, or lighten the load!

So what are the consequences of carrying a heavy backpack? To put numbers on it, so that you can understand what these heavy loads do, a load of 15% of total body weight results in a 26.7% increase in load on the low back, while a 30% load body weight will result in a 64% increase in load on the low back! Also, children tend to lean forward and jut their chin out in order to balance out the forces going into the back. However, the movement they do to compensate for the heavy weight simply makes their posture worse, which can increase pain down the line. No kid wants to hear their parents telling them to stand up straight, so don’t train them to slouch by allowing them to carry heavy weights.

So how do you eliminate this problem? For a postural consultation or for more advise on postural stability & strengthening routines please book an appointment with our Physiotherapist, Christopher Chmiel @ Form & Function Clinic to find out more ways in which to achieve your functional or personal goals.

Key words:
Form & Function Markham
Chiropractic Markham
Physiotherapy Markham
Nutritionist Markham
Chiropodist Markham
Nutritionist Markham