3 Healthy Heart Changes in 3 Weeks…Are you up to the challenge?

It is Heart Health Awareness Month and a fantastic opportunity to make healthier choices for you heart.

To help you, I have developed my first ever Healthy Heart Challenge and I am challenging myself and all of you to join me!

THE CHALLENGE: Make 3 heart healthy choices every day for 3 weeks. These lifestyle choices have been shown to decrease risk factors for developing heart disease.

  1. Eat 4 servings of fruits & vegetables daily.
  2. Eat 1 serving of nuts & 2 servings of healthy oil daily.
  3. Be physically active for 150 minutes over the course of 1 week.

These 3 choices were chosen for their effectivity & simplicity. With our busy lives, they can be anything but simple to follow through with. I thought the idea of a community challenge to help keep one another motivated would be a great way to make these changes more achievable.

THE REWARD: Reduce your risk of heart disease. Improve your overall health & well-being.

START DATE: Sunday, February 8th, 2015

END DATE: Saturday, February 28th, 2015

For complete details please follow this link.

I hope you join me in this challenge!

Good luck to you all,

Dr. Odette Bulaong, ND



Stay fit, one step at a time.

Did you know? Walking uses more than half your body’s muscles at once! Walking is an easy , fun, inexpensive and social exercise. For most people, aim to walk at least 30 minutes most days of the week to get the maximum benefits at a comfortable to brisk pace. It can be a safe and low-impact activity that among many things, can help to reduce stress, keep your heart healthy, give you more energy and get you from A to B. And the best part? All you need is a good pair of shoes. Happy walking!

If you haven’t been active or have a medical condition, speak to a health care professional to understand the amount of exercise that is appropriate for you before getting started.


Naturopathic Medicine and Acupuncture by Jennie Cheung, Naturopath

In this week’s tip of the week, we carry on with our discussion regarding the acupuncture effect.  Acupuncture has the ability to regulate many of the body’s physiological mechanisms in nearly all systems from the cardiovasular and respiratory, to the digestive and nervous.

In heart disease and blood pressure studies, the positive effects of acupuncture are extensive.  ECG results post-acupuncture treatments typically show improved coronary circulation, greater left ventricular function, and normalisation of premature heart beats along with other arrhythmic patterns.

In addition, acupuncture has a dilating effect on blood vessels, primarily through vagus nerve stimulation, thereby a definite treatment consideration for high blood pressure and anginal pain. 

One of the main goals in naturopathic medicine is to restore what has been impaired and bring the body back to operate as a normally functioning and thriving entity – it is about living well, not just being symptom-free.  Acupunture is an excellent therapeutic and natural treatment tool that helps the body to achieve that re-balance.