Ice or heat?

Use ice for all new sprains, strains and bruises.  Ice will help control the inflammation, swelling and pain.  This will aid in a faster and less painful recovery.  Apply ice to the affected area for 15-20 minute cycles on and off.  Do this as soon and as often as you can – especially in the first 48 hours.  Also, ice is great for chronic/overuse sports injuries (i.e. shin splints, tennis elbow).  Always ice after activity and not before.

Use heat for chronic injuries before your activity.  Heat will help promote blood flow to the area, loosen tissues and relax injured areas.  Heat the affected area using a heat pack or hot towel for no more than 20 minutes before activity.

Key words:
Chiropractic Markham
Physiotherapy Markham
Nutritionist Markham
Chiropodist Markham
Nutritionist Markham