Kettlebell Class this Sat



Congrats Dr. Paul Oh for the amazing turn out last week at the Demo Kettle Bell class.  For all of those who are looking to get stronger, want to get more  functional in your daily life while preventing injuries, then this Class is for you.

This Saturday is the last day to get in on the $70 for 4 classes deal, and we only have a few spots left in the class.  Don’t get left behind!

Sign up TODAY at Form & Function or call (905) 604 9355

KB Class  markhamIMG_1351

Weight Loss Lecture Today @ 12:30pm, Kettle Bell Class @ 2.30pm

Hey guys, for all those who have not signed up for the lecture yet, this is going to be a great talk on how you can begin your new year by shedding a few pounds with registered dietitian Anna Gofeld and personal trainer Akhil Dawda  .  After the Lecture, stay for our Kettle Bell Class with DR. Paul Oh, he will be going through the nitty gritty on how to improve strength, power and get injury free workout with an amazing tool.  None Club Markham members are also welcome to join both events.

Please call 905 604 9355 now, before all the spots are taken.

Jan 18 flyer lecture weight loss