FAB 5 Glute Medius Exercise to Treat ITB Compression Syndrome

Ever Since Frederickson’s article in 2k, there has been  great deal of talk about how the Glute Mede and other abductors of the hip affect the ITB compreesion syndrome.  Some recent articles have also pointed out that ITB compression at the distal end of the femur may lead to a sensory feedback to fire the Glute medes.  So if the Glutes are weak, and inhibited, then it will lead to further lateralization of the hip during dynamic movements and then further  compression of the ITB.  Don’t forget, the ITB is a viscoelastic structure as described by Shleip, meaning when it gets loaded ballistically, it will come back and shrink due to hydration properties as well as actual contractile components.
We also know that the ITB does not have a great deal of ability to stretch, so therefore actual stretching of this compressive band to cure your problems is very unlikely.  Because the pain is due to a compressive force at the distal (further away) end of the ITB,  we also want to avoid compressing it even further.  So make sure if you are foam rolling to avoid the actual painful site by working the proximal end (as long as it feels good after you roll).  So if we can’t stretch it , massage it out, then that leaves us with modalities(laser, IFC, shockwave, acupuncture etc), and good ol’rehab.  So check out the FAB 5 exercise I like to start with my patients.  Most people get better with the basics, but for our active population, we make sure we introduce more sport and activity specific exercises to top it off.
This is my first attempt at using Final Cut on my Mac, I hope you guys enjoy.  Feedback welcome.
For more about how to fix this problem and many others, visit https://www.formfunctionclinic.com/#locations to make a appointment

Achilles Pain & Weak Glutes







A recent article by Smith et al ( 2013) has  shown that runners with Achilles Tendinopathy (chronic tendinitis) also have a delay in both Glute Mede and Glute Max activation and duration of firing. Unfortunately it does not tell us if Glute inactivity is the chicken or  the egg, but from a kinetic chain perspective it does make a great deal of sense.  Glute Mede and max are external rotators of the leg, and with out good firing patterns, it can also play a part in pronation (foot flattening out) of the foot.  Pronation is one mechanism of causing achilles injuries.   Either or, if your unsure have your therapist check for glute mede and max response to load, as well as its endurance if you are suffering from Achilles tendon pain.



Neuromotor Control of Gluteal Muscles in Runners with Achilles Tendinopathy
Smith, Melinda M.; Honeywill, Conor; Wyndow, Narelle; Crossley, Kay M.; Creaby, Mark W.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: 10 October 2013

Stretching the Fascia

Here are  few tips on stretching fascial tissue.  These tissue will include such structures as the Iliotibial Band (IT), Patellar tendon, Thoraco-lumbar Fascia.  Remember, these tissues are viscoelastic structures.  Schleip 2005/09/12 has demonstrated that not only do these structure stiffen do to excessive rehydration after dynamic fast load, but also has a contractile component.  Slow stretching for these structures have shown to have longer lasting effects on these tissue.  So remember to spend upto 5-10 min with moderate and slow progressive tensionfor these structures.

Dr. J

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Dr. J

Relieve Neck Pain by Proper Breathing

Breathing with our diaphragm has been shown to reduce activation in some of the bad posture muscles such as the scalenes and upper trapeziusbreathing. Those muscles are typically the overactive muscles seen in people with chronic neck pain and bad posture. A great way to relax those muscles is by simply working on utilizing your diaphragm when breathing. You will want to make sure that you are expanding your stomach, as well as your ribs laterally when taking in a deep breath, instead of lifting your chest. Try putting one hand on your belly, and the other hand on your chest, and take 10 deep breaths without lifting your chest. This is a great way to relax those bad posture muscles, activating your diaphragm, while reducing stress.

January Health Talk

Do You Have Suboccipital Headaches?

For some, headaches can be very annoying and in some cases, debilitating. There are many categories and types of headaches; some of  which include migraines, cluster, tension type, hormonal, sinus andrebound headaches. Out of all types of headaches, there is one that is common among our postural challenged comrades. This commonly misdiagnosed, yet treatable headache is called “suboccipital headaches”.
