Stretching the Fascia

Here are  few tips on stretching fascial tissue.  These tissue will include such structures as the Iliotibial Band (IT), Patellar tendon, Thoraco-lumbar Fascia.  Remember, these tissues are viscoelastic structures.  Schleip 2005/09/12 has demonstrated that not only do these structure stiffen do to excessive rehydration after dynamic fast load, but also has a contractile component.  Slow stretching for these structures have shown to have longer lasting effects on these tissue.  So remember to spend upto 5-10 min with moderate and slow progressive tensionfor these structures.

Dr. J

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Dr. J

Golf Swing: Hip Rotation

A study at Standford University  has  clarify some unresolved questions about golf-swing biomechanics.  One question that always comes from novice golfers is ” what starts the downswing?”.  Practitioner and Pro’s have had different answers. Some would say the hands, or others would say the shoulders or the lower body. This study compared top ranked players to novice players in their swing biomechanics.  It was evident from the study that  all of the higher ranked player produced significantly higher club head speed, which was attributed to less than 10 percent deviation from the optimal swing mechanics.  All of these player initiated their downswing and prime force production through proper hip initiation and rotation.

Golf tip: Drive farther by using your Stretch Shortening Cycle

Next time you are at the range, try speeding up the back swing, creating a good stretch through the shoulder, and quickly transferring your backswing into your downswing. This trick to use your stretch shortening cycle of transferring forces is just one technique to create better biomechanics, resulting in greater distance in your shot. Reduce the flaws in your biomechanics so you can focus more on your game. Sign up for a video biomechanics analysis to find out how to improve your game, either from increasing certain ranges, or stabilizing others.