The Best Exercise That Not Many Know


Welcome to another Health talk Newsletter!  This month’s piece, written by Dr. Paul Oh is all about the best exercise that no body knows. Click here for more info: TGU


The Turkish Getup (TGU) may be the best exercise nobody knows! Legend has it that traditional strong men in eastern Europe would not allow you to do exercises until you could do a TGU 100 pounds with each hand.  Click here for more info: TGU


Simply put, the TGU is getting up and down to the floor using a weight.  Click here for more info: TGU


This exercise is so effective that I have used portions of the TGU during the rehab process.  Click here for more info: TGU


If you have any questions about the getup, please don’t hesitate to contact the Form and Function clinic.  Click HERE for more info: 













Get Stronger Now!

Welcome to another Health talk Newsletter written this month by Markham Physiotherapist Manni Wong.  This month’t topic is on pre-habilitation: preventing injuries an prepping for surgeries.
