Sun Safety…Just in Time for Canada Day!

As we are well into summer, many of us are enjoying the hot, sunny weather. Please remember to enjoy the sun safely to reduce your risk of harmful effects of prolonged exposure to the sun which can include dry, wrinkled skin and skin cancer. Here are 3 easy tips that you can help you enjoy the sun safely:

  1. Reduce your exposure to the sun by covering up easy to burn areas. Hats can protect the nose and forehead; shirts with sleeves, or a light scarf worn as a shawl can help protect the shoulders. UV protective sunglasses are a must. There is even UV protective clothing available now.
  2. Apply a safe and effective sunscreen 15-20 minutes before sun exposure. Re-apply after water exposure and sweating, which breaks down the effective sun protection compounds. Re-applying sunscreen is important even if you wear a high SPF (greater than 50). Read this article to learn why SPF 50+ sunscreens may not be the best thing for you.
  3. Choose a safe & effective sunscreen with lower levels of chemicals that may cause unwanted health concerns which you can learn about here. Check out this link to the Environmental Working Group’s 2014 list of best beach and sport sunscreens. You can also search for how your sunscreen measures up in terms of safety here.


Enjoy the rest of summer & have a Happy Canada Day!

Odette Bulaong, ND

February is Heart Month

The leading cause of death in Canada is heart disease. It’s important to recognize that despite factors that can increase your risk of heart disease that are beyond your control, like genetics and age, there are many other lifestyle factors that you do have the power to change. These factors include:

• Poor nutrition
• Poorly managed stress
• Physical inactivity
• Smoking/chewing tobacco
• Alcohol
• Overweight
• Hypertension (high blood pressure)
• High cholesterol

Take a look at this list and identify which risk factors apply to you. Determine which risk factor you are willing to change first and take steps to remove that risk factor from your list.

An important part of addressing risk factors is to ensure you have accurate, safe and effective information, so seeking the guidance of a trained healthcare professional is recommended – especially if you already have an existing health condition.

If you are uncertain if you have any of the modifiable risk factors, a naturopathic doctor can assess your lifestyle factors, and create an individualized plan integrating heart healthy nutrition and supplements, stress management techniques including acupuncture and lifestyle counselling to keep you motivated.

Happy Heart Month!
Odette Bulaong, ND

Setting Healthy Resolutions

It is that time of year when New Year resolutions are starting to creep into your head. If one of your resolutions is to become healthier, stronger and more fit, then being educated in properly setting exercise goals is key to success. Here are some advice in setting SMART exercise/fitness goals:

  • Specific: Your fitness goal should be specific. You should not just think I want to lose/gain weight. For example, a specific goal would be “I will lose 20 lbs in 6 weeks via increasing my exercise to 30 mins a day, 4 days a week of 2 sessions of cardio and 2 sessions of resistance training”. In this example, it is very specific in what you want to achieve, in what time frame and how you will achieve it. Usually, it is how you can achieve the fitness goal that is the trickiest. It is recommended to consult a personal trainer or rehabilitation professional (physiotherapist or chiropractor) to answer that question. If you want to try it alone, following the above example is a good way to start.
  • Measurable: Most people use weight loss as a measurement for their success in fitness resolutions. Although valid, I recommend using body measurements. Measure the circumference of your arms, chest, waist, hips and thighs with a tape measure before, in between and after your fitness program. In some cases, your weight does not change much but there is a drastic change in body measurements as you start to burn up fat and replace it with stronger muscles. If you still want to use weight as a measure of your success, take weekly measurements instead of daily.
  • Attainable and Realistic: This area is the KEY reason why a lot of people fail with their resolutions. Their fitness goals are unattainable. Losing 50 lbs in 2 weeks is unreasonable for anyone with a job or kids. If weight loss is your primary goal, be safe and aim for losing 2-4 lbs a week. Vice versa is safe for weight gain. Also be realistic with yourself and ask if working out 7 days is actually feasible with your schedule. Try not to set yourself up for failure by making your goal way too hard to achieve. A good start would be 3-4 days of 30-60 mins of exercise. Furthermore, be realistic with your body. It’s not healthy to be 5’6 and 100lbs. Use this link to determine your healthy body weight (
  • Timely: Make sure there is an check points and end date for your goal. Know that any good fitness program usually takes 6 weeks, give or take 1-2 weeks. Have check points spread out in between. I recommend every 1-2 weeks. At these check points, reassess where you are in your goal. Are you moving towards it? Away from it? Keep going if you are moving towards it. Consult someone if you are moving away from it. You may need extra guidance and that’s common. Exercise is part of the equation but diet is also another part. You may need to speak with a nutritionist or naturopathic doctor.

I hope this post helps you start make SMART resolutions/goal. Follow your SMART goals and you will be on your way to becoming a healthier you! Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and happy goal setting!

Manni Wong

Registered Physiotherapist

If you’re pregnant…get out of bed!

If a pregnant mother you know has been told to stay in bed to prolong her pregnancy, please share this information with her.

A recent study summarized in  The New England Journal of Medicine Journal Watch was done on 644 pregnant women. It showed that the bed rest that is often recommended to prevent pre-term births did not help prolong pregnancies, and may have actually been linked to an increase in pre-term delivery.

Every pregnant mother should be assessed by her doctor individually to determine what is best for her. This study provides support that activity restriction is an outdated recommendation that may cause more harm than good. Share this information with your doctor and have a discussion on what is best for you.

Odette Bulaong, ND


Sun Safety for the Summer

Sun protection is important as summer is just around the corner, but there is more to consider then just shopping for a new sunscreen. Here are a few tips to keep you covered safely this summer:

  1. Reduce your exposure to the sun, especially during the peak sun hours 10am-4pm.
  2. Use clothes to shield you from the sun. Light cotton long sleeves, linen pants, maxi dresses/skirts, hats and UV protective sunglasses are a must.
  3. Apply a safe and effective sunscreen 15-20 minutes before sun exposure. Make sure to re-apply after water exposure and sweating, which breaks down the effective sun protection compounds.
  4. There’s a lot of effective sunscreen options now, including more natural ones which have a lower chance of causing unwanted health concerns. Click on this link to the Environmental Working Group’s Free Sunscreen Guide so you can make the best choice for you and your family.

Enjoy a fun and healthy summer,

Odette Bulaong, ND