March Health Talk

Snack Your Way to a Slimmer You
How Snacking can Help with Your Diet Goals

While some dieters happily accept when someone suggests a snack, others feel pangs of guilt when a nibble is merely suggested. However, there is nothing inherently wrong with a bite between meals. In fact,
snacking might be the missing ingredient that will help you reach your weight loss goals.


Kettlebell – What is it? Why is it so effective?

The kettlebell is basically a cannon ball with a handle.  It is an old Russian tool used to build power and strength.
The kettlebell is an effective tool because it promotes whole body movements which can help burn more calories.  The swing is a great kettlebell exercise that exemplifies this.  In a properly performed swing you use your: hips, glutes, and legs to create motion, core to maintain a straight spine & trunk, and your arms to help support the kettlebell during the swing.
The kettlebell can be used for rehabilitation, conditioning, strength and power development.  I personally use it in my own practice and with my patients.  As with any exercise, safety and form are paramount.  Make sure you are supervised by a trained professional.  For more info about how to get started with a kettlebell contact me ( or drop by the clinic.
Dr. Paul Oh

Kettlebell – What is it? Why is it so effective?

The kettlebell is basically a cannon ball with a handle.  It is an old Russian tool used to build power and strength.
The kettlebell is an effective tool because it promotes whole body movements which can help burn more calories.  The swing is a great kettlebell exercise that exemplifies this.  In a properly performed swing you use your: hips, glutes, and legs to create motion, core to maintain a straight spine & trunk, and your arms to help support the kettlebell during the swing.
The kettlebell can be used for rehabilitation, conditioning, strength and power development.  I personally use it in my own practice and with my patients.  As with any exercise, safety and form are paramount.  Make sure you are supervised by a trained professional.  For more info about how to get started with a kettlebell contact me ( or drop by the clinic.
Dr. Paul Oh

Detox Your Body with Lemons

A good rule of thumb is to drink 8 glasses of water a day but sometimes water can get boring so add a slice of lemon to make it taste better. Lemons also provide some great health benefits!

Tight muscles are tight for a reason

When we think of tight muscles we commonly will stretch them or get a massage to release them.  We often feel better after a few days however the tightness or stiffness returns.  We have to ask the question, why are they tight?  In most cases, muscles will tighten to compensate for weakness or stability.  If you are not stable at a segment your body will compensate by tightening other areas to compensate.  For example, if you have weak core muscles that do not stabilize your low back, usually the muscles above and below will tighten up in an effort to stabilize.  That is why mid-back (Thoracic spine) and hip tightness are usually associated with low back pain.  To deal with the root of chronic problems we must look at not only what muscles are tight, but why they are tight and what weakness are driving them.

For more info about how to find out which muscles are tight and weak and how to lengthen and strengthen them come visit us.


Epsom salt bath to get the most out of your treatments.

Taking Epsom salts( magnesium sulfate) is absorbed by the body during a Epsom Salt bath.  This process promotes muscle relaxation, relieves stiffness, and reduces cramped and achy muscle.  Epsom salt baths also release toxins and metabolic waste products from the body.  It is always recommended that our patients take an Epsom salt bath after their treatments.

Just the right formula…

1: Add two cups  of Epsom salts to a hot bath (38-35 degrees Celcius or to tolerance).  Soak in the hot bath for 20 minutes.

2: Drink cool water to keep well hydrated.

3: When finished the bath, cool your body down with a lukewarm shower.

4: Rest for 15- 20 minutes after the bath for maximal relaxation and therapeutic impact.


Epsom salt bath to get the most out of your treatments.

Taking Epsom salts( magnesium sulfate) is absorbed by the body during a Epsom Salt bath.  This process promotes muscle relaxation, relieves stiffness, and reduces cramped and achy muscle.  Epsom salt baths also release toxins and metabolic waste products from the body.  It is always recommended that our patients take an Epsom salt bath after their treatments.

Just the right formula…

1: Add two cups  of Epsom salts to a hot bath (38-35 degrees Celcius or to tolerance).  Soak in the hot bath for 20 minutes.

2: Drink cool water to keep well hydrated.

3: When finished the bath, cool your body down with a lukewarm shower.

4: Rest for 15- 20 minutes after the bath for maximal relaxation and therapeutic impact.


November Health Talk

Go Nuts! Your Diet Needs Variety! by Mary Trull

You start a new diet and you see some fantastic results pretty quickly. The struggle, of course,  is then maintaining this weight loss. Changing eating patterns for a short period is different than sustaining them. Once frustration and boredom sets in, once dieters have reached that plateau, it becomes so easy to just give up in disappointment.

November Health Talk