January & February Health Talk

Foam Rolling 101

Foam rolling has been getting really big in the past few years.  I see more and more athletes and gym rats with some version of this valuable device.  However, I also see too many athletes grimacing at each pass and using this device incorrectly, or let alone knowing what they are using it for.  So let’s open up the flood gates and give you the facts and theories behind the Foam Roller.

Exercise Stand Still – How To Progress Your Workout!

One of the biggest misconception about exercise is that individuals learn to do the same exercise and workout routine over and over for weeks or months at a time. This is certainly costs you what you want most out of your routines – results! Progression of exercise is a key component in order to build up your strength, endurance, & healthier lifestyle.
So how do you change up your workout routines to make them effective, challenging, & most importantly enjoyable?

Progression can come in a variety of ways: changing your weight, repetitions, intensity, speed, duration, & exercises. However, once you master the exercise this progression becomes ineffective in what you want to accomplish. Here are some ways to increase maximum potential!

1) Change your position – grip, foot placement, addition of rotational components, etc.
2) Change the type of resistance – machines to free weights to resistance bands to functional activities, etc.
3) Go from bilateral to unilateral – use of 1 arm or leg at a time and then switching.
4) Adding a balance challenge – Use a ball, foam roller, bosu, narrowing stance, etc.
5) Doing compound movements – combining two or three exercises together adds a dynamic dimension to your workouts.

For additional workout routines please book a consultation with Christopher Chmiel @ Form & Function Clinic to find out more ways in which to achieve your functional or personal goals.

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Form & Function Markham
Chiropractic Markham
Physiotherapy Markham
Nutritionist Markham
Chiropodist Markham
Nutritionist Markham