Stay fit, one step at a time.

Did you know? Walking uses more than half your body’s muscles at once! Walking is an easy , fun, inexpensive and social exercise. For most people, aim to walk at least 30 minutes most days of the week to get the maximum benefits at a comfortable to brisk pace. It can be a safe and low-impact activity that among many things, can help to reduce stress, keep your heart healthy, give you more energy and get you from A to B. And the best part? All you need is a good pair of shoes. Happy walking!

If you haven’t been active or have a medical condition, speak to a health care professional to understand the amount of exercise that is appropriate for you before getting started.


Treating @ Junior combat Classic

Form and function staff will be treating and providing emergency care at the Junior Combat Classic. This provincial jiu jitsu championships will bring in the top fighters from the past 3 regionals chamionships

Feb 2/10 Tip Of The Week

Stretching before workouts puts a muscle to sleep, and in some instances lead to injuries. Always stretch after a workout.  Always perform a dynamic warm up before before working out.  It will reduce chances of injuries.

Dr. Jim Feng

For more Questions, please email Dr. Feng at