Running Tip: Arm swing

The arm swing in running is a very important component from a biomechanical stand point.

A proper arm swing:

1) Counterbalances the rotational forces created by the opposite leg and trunk motion in order to move forward.

2) Creates vertical and froward propulsion, therefore creating better efficiency in the lower limb.

3) Helps with pacing during the run, and is a precursor for speeding and slowing down your pace.


Things to watch out for: 

-try to create similar forward and back swings during your run to prevent injuries

-do not create too much rotational swing, keep the arms going back and forth

-relax your hands and shoulder when swinging

At Form and Function, we provide a detailed video analysis of the running gait, as well as training to create a better gait cycle.  Check it out here 

Golf tip: Drive farther by using your Stretch Shortening Cycle

Next time you are at the range, try speeding up the back swing, creating a good stretch through the shoulder, and quickly transferring your backswing into your downswing. This trick to use your stretch shortening cycle of transferring forces is just one technique to create better biomechanics, resulting in greater distance in your shot. Reduce the flaws in your biomechanics so you can focus more on your game. Sign up for a video biomechanics analysis to find out how to improve your game, either from increasing certain ranges, or stabilizing others.