TempoMandibular What? TMJ Disorders, neck pain and headaches

Try this.  Open your mouth as wide as you can.. now position your hand like you are trying to dump a bottle of water on your chest and try to fit the first 3 of your knuckles (index, 3rd and 4th finger) into your mouth. Can you do this? If not, consider the following:

Does your jaw click or pop from time to time?

Do you have any occasional bouts of jaw pain while chewing?

Persistent neck pain, headaches, and pain while chewing harder foods are all hallmarks of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.  Headaches, neck pain and jaw pain are intimately tied together and restriction or tightness in one area can cause pain to occur in another.  If this sounds like you, you may have an underlying TMJ dysfunction. TMJ issues are conditions that are affected by the group of muscles and the joint that controls motion at the jaw.

If you think you may have a TMJ issue come in for a complimentary consult or try your best to avoid: gum chewing, biting your fingernails, chewing pens, hard candy or gummies. It’ll only make it worse!

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