Tips for Sufferers of Sweaty Feet

When wearing closed toed footwear, our feet have a tendency to sweat.  Others tend to sweat excessively, on a daily basis.  This can lead to embarassment and discomfort.  Whether you sweat a lot or a little, here are some tips to help keep your tootsies drier and more comfortable when wearing closed toed footwear.

1) Avoid footwear made of plastic, rubber and fake leather.

2) Wear cotton socks and avoid synthetic fiber socks like wool to wick away moisture.

3) Dust your feet with baby powder or absorbent powder.

4) Spray an over-the-counter antiperspirant on the bottom of your feet.

5) If your feet are smelly, red and itchy…you may have athlete’s foot.

If you have concerns about athlete’s foot or your feet in general, book an appointment to see Jennifer Lam, the Foot Specialist/Chiropodist for a consultation.

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